Three sets of:
Handstand Walk x 20 meters (use assistance if needed)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Bar Muscle-Ups x Max Reps in 30 seconds
Rest 90 seconds
If you don’t have a partner for your handstand walks, then complete 20 Shoulder Taps/Wall Runs
per set.
If you don’t have Bar Muscle-Ups then complete Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups.
Five sets of:
Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 3111 + Front Squat
Rest 2-3 minutes
*Increase load by 3-5% from last week
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Mid Thigh Clean + Clean from 2″ below the knee @ 75-85%
Four Sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 8-10 reps
Rest as needed
Banded March
x 2:30 (step on and off of a 45 pound plate)
Rest as needed
Single Arm DB Row
x 6-8 reps per side
Rest as needed
A – shoulder taps (no partner). Bar MU 10/9/9 unbroken.
B – 235-250. Felt easy. Very pleased.
C – 175-205.
D – 165-185 bbgb 10 reps, done, 70#- 8 reps.
A. Hand Stand Walks – Done, MU – 8, 9, 10
B. All sets at 305#
C. All sets at 215#
D. Done – Bridges at 185#, 75# DB
With Cheryl Brost at OPEX, AZ
A. 10- 15m x 3, 8, 7, 6 bmu
B. 225, 235, 235, 245, 245
C. 205-225
D. Done
A: complete, all sets unbroken on HS walks, total 5 on MU
B: complete, worked up to 315
C:complete, unbroken sets @215
D: complete, used 95# on bridges, and 70# on DB rows
Nice work on that HS Walk!
A. 3×20,11,11,10
B. 255
C. Up to 215
D. Bridges,DB done, 2000row
A. 34′ 25′ 15′ UB / Jumping my 7×3
B. 125/155/175/185/195/205
C. 105/115/120/125/130/135/135F 2nd clean
D Done
Awesome hs walks!
A1-Able to get the 20 m covered with only coming down twice each time. These felt good today.
A2- 5 each set
B. 315 for all sets. 2nd squat after the tempo one was challenging.
C. 225 all sets. Getting comfortable cycling into the second re-hook griping as the bar lowers.
D. 4 rnds Done
Post – OH Yoke work.
Awesome work Art!
Traveling this week. This morning got a hotel WOD in.
4 Rounds:
Run 400m on treadmill @ 7.5 mph
15 DB Thrusters 25# DBS
Approx 10 mins
Trained with Matt Beals this afternoon.
A. HS walk unbroken and 9-9-9 on bar mu unbroken
B. 160-170-180-190-200#
C. 150-155-160-165-165-170-170-175#
D. 145#; done; 45# DBS
Thanks for meeting up with me Matt!
I am going to hit that hotel workout up Friday while I am in San Francisco!
C’mon Nichole, SF means Hill Sprints!
Downtown? LaLanne has open gym (the place is huge). I’m sure you know the other SF Hot spots.
Thank you!!! I will hit them up on Thur or Fri (I hope they are open)!
Looks like they are only open Thursday morning and closed on Fri 🙁
A) only getting 10ft
2,2,1 need more practice have lost the technique rhythm!
B) 185
C) 150,155,165,175,185,190,195,200
D) 4 sets of single arm row 75lbs
E) 5rds 500m row & 15 bench press (135) 17:50
Practiced HS holds did walk 3 steps on my hands! YAY
Did Jumping Bar MU Felt good. now I know the feel of getting up there.
B. Up 3% from last week-135/145/155/155/155 big struggle the last set. Hung in there and got it.
C. 95/105/115/120/125 missed did full clean/120/105-Struggling with early arm bend. Actually got 120 that was a good feeling.
Glute Bridge-125
DB Row #35
skipped banded march-
Good Day today-made some progress on staying foused
Great work Cheryl!!!
Monday’s workout Mobility – done! A1. first 3 at 70%, next 3 at 75% A2. 75/85/95 started a little lighter on these; felt not too bad by the third set B. 2:57/3:05/2:55/2:50 This combination is a good one for me. Little slower on the second set when DU’s failed on me a couple times. Happy with the SHSPU’s – did all the sets unbroken whereas not too long ago I wouldn’t have been able to do that many in a row. C. Z’s with 30# and SC2B’s with a 15# plate Worked on HS walk at the end. Making some… Read more »
A. Lack of space for hs walks so I did 20 hip touches then 11,10,9 jumping mu’s
B. 230,240,250,260,270
C. 190×2, 195×2,200,205,190×2
D. 185×10 glutenbridge, 2pood x8 rows
Jumped in on group workout today.
Sterngth: Clean, front squat combo. PR’d my (squat) clean!
Then, 5 min AMRAP – 5 cleans (105), 50 DU. Rest 2 minutes and 4 min AMRAP – 4 snatches (65), 10 burpees. Was fun!!
Nice work Elissa!
Yay!!! So strong girl!!!
My box is doing FRAN tomorrow! My shoulders are already hating me!!!! hahaha
Good day,
3 sets of 20 should taps.
FSQ 185 up from LW
Didn’t do the cleans. Still working on Tech. Did snatch in class hit 125lb PR. Shoulder is better
10 X 135
banded march on the plates
50lb DB row 10 reps
I saw the workout today and decided to jump in the class wod and give my shoulders more rest. So today we did back squats and 200 went up really easy. So I tried 210 and failed. Oh well I gave it my best shot. Next time. The wod was: 1000 meter row 20 front squats @ 105 40 TTB time: 8:29 Good lord the row ate up all my time. I must get faster… but have no clue how to do that. I pull hard and study how to row but I just can’t hold a candle to the… Read more »
Hi Tracy, Josh Crosby in the video below, used to teach near our place and these simple tips helped me a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJl-3xoAT_U . I’m 5’7″ @ 175# and frequently keep up with many taller people at the gym . A typical one hour class covered 10 to 12K of rowing. A test we did a lot in these row classes was. 10 strokes with legs only (keeping arms straight. 10 strokes legs and swing (no arm pull). 10 strokes arms only. This gives you a sense of how much you can actually get from just the legs and a… Read more »
Thank you so much! I watched it and will watch it again! It was so simple to understand. And made so much sense. Thanks again that was super helpful.
A. Practiced holds and some walking. Stoked, frst time my wrist was able to handle it for a while. MUs weren’t happening. Ripped hands and not linking the movement… Terrible today.
B. Worked up 235, 245, 255, 265, then 270 failed.
C. Worked up from 145 to 175. Taking it easy on wrist.
D. Done 135 bridges, 50 row and marches(killed the glutes.)
Take care of those hands!
A: 3 Handstand sets accumulated to 20 meters each. 10 meters for the longest sets. Bar MUs 2 and 3 quick singles. Felt the shoulders from HS walks… should perhaps have taken a longer break between HSW and Bar Mus
B: Built in 5 sets from 235# to 255#
C. in 8 sets from 160# to 185#
D: Done and added 6x50m sled pull for hip power. Hips seemed a little sluggish during the cleans after the FSs
Having some family issues today had to work in garage gym with no lifting shoes, no knee sleeves, no belt, no chalk. I rely on this stuff way too much.
Skipped MU and HSW. Will complete in am
A worked to 143 for 2 sets. No where near last week.
B All at 123
C. Glute bridge at 83/ rows with 45#. No banded march.
This day can’t end fast enough.
Aww Jenny we have all had days like that. Hang in there.
Hope everything is okay!
A) 2 sets wall runs and 2 assisted handstand walks; jumping BMU’s 5-6-6
B) All Tempo F Squat + Squat @ 128# (5% increase from last week)
C) 93-98-98-98-103-103-103-103
D) coming….