Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Interval 2 – Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus
x 10 reps (add weight if this is easy)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Hang Snatch with a 2 second pause at the receiving position x 2 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM
immediately followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch Pull from Blocks x 3-5 reps @ 75-85%
Four sets of:
Assault Bike x 25/20 calories
Double Unders x 50 reps
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 12 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Strict Handstand Push-Up to 2″ riser
60+: Double Unders x 30 reps; Strict Handstand Push-Up to 4″ riser
Three sets of:
DB Z-Press x 6 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Supinated-Grip Weighted Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5-6 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Is there a way to go back and see the rest of December’s workouts. I am following a few weeks behind and would like access to what I paid for. Thank you!
Mob: Done
A: 125#-130# then 145#
B: 27:03 Non-Rx Had to go for kipping HSPUs during the 4th set, 12 strict singles during 3rd set.
C. Done#15 plate for pullups
A. 115, 117.5, 120, 122.5, 125, 127.5 5×135 on pulls
B. 4:12, 4:30, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00 (airdyne not assault bike)
C. just the z press 6×35, 40, 35#
M and a done.
A1 hang snatch at 50,52,54,56,56,56 didn’t feel too bad.
A2. Did pulls at 56×5,60×3,60×5
B as we don’t have assault bike I did row 25 cal, 50dubs and 12shspu.
2:16,2:11,2:39 & 2:48
Had no time for c as had to go to work.
Did today’s work this morning then traveling to indoor water park (aka bacteria factory) in Wisconsin Dells thru Wednesday. I hope the kiddos appreciate this! 🙂
A – 115/125/135 (2 sets at each) then pulls at 135/145/155.
B – 3:15/3:18/3:38/3:50. HSPUs got rough toward the end.
C – Z-press 45# DBs. C2Bs with 44# KB (6/5/5)
Hahaha have fun at the water park today Mike!
Mobility: Complete
A. Hang Snatch: 160# for all, then pulls @ 180# for all.
B. “I love that assault bike!” Said no one…ever! 3:20, 3:56, 4:29, 4:48
C. DB Z Press @ 45#, 20# weighted vest for Sup C2B (5 reps each set)
Mob done
A. 65/75/80/85/90/95 then 85/90/95
B. 4:04/3:339/4:03/4:24 sub db press w/25lb db.
I’ve been traveling all week so just doing some garage WODs at my brothers.
A. 6 rds for time:
6 power cleans – 75#
10 WB
10 T2B
B. 3 ROUNDS (Not for time)
C. 10 min EMOM –
10 Burpees (100 total)
Saw my PT today since surgery – I was feeling a little frustrated on the knee and good news – he says I am ahead of schedule for having 2 knee surgeries in one year. This made me feel a lot better – 🙂
That is fantastic Nicky!!
Mob. Done
A. 90 to 110# Kept is light with my wrist pain and ripped palms.
B. 3:18, 2:25, 2:14, 2:24 First round I didn’t realize we got 3 min between each set so really picked up the pace for 2-4. Really liked this work out. The bike is a good fun. Had to modify HSPU.
C. Had to go so will work z press and pull ups at home.
Oh no…take care of your wrist & palms…
Yeah, just glad I can still do some work with them.
Attended a 4 hour weightlifting seminar (by Travis Cooper) yesterday so just did ROMWOD today.
Mobility done
A. 75/70/70/70/70/70 getting better
Du still a huge struggle hspu went from 2 mats to 1mat weight underneath. Getting better
#35 for z press did 3 c2b per round.
Struggled today
Mobility done
A. 88/90/93/95/98/100 (felt good)
Then 95/103/110
B. This did NOT feel good. Used air dyne for 30 cals, dubs then kipping hspu (weakness for me. Did not see press recommendation until now). Times estimated: 4:40/6/5/6. The hspu got me every time. Consistent on ride, dubs got better after first round. Mental mess the first two rounds.
C 25# for z press, no weight on c2b. Sets of 6 (felt better than last week. Was able to get linked sets of 4 each round.
Garage gym ..on the road…
6×3 back sq 300#
1. 10 SHSPU
2. 20 TTB
3. 30 DU
Did some accessory 5×5 work in BTN Presses and Bench Press.
A.Back starting to warm up so 155/155/175/175/185/185, did not do Pulls.
B. Cals on rower, Dubs, Piked HSPU (need to save the shoulder.) Tough WOD nevertheless. Cals into dubs was hard. 3:09/2:45(only set the dubs gelled)/3:30/3:29
C.Press with 50lbs, C2B 0/20/30lbs
My schedule is all messed up! So I did the CF class at our box today instead of Invictus training. Then I had to go get an MRI on my shoulder. 🙁 and they told me no heavy lifting for at least 12 hours. So out went my lifting for the day. So this is what I did: 30 minutes of rowing- 1 minute max calories followed by 1 minute of rest. I got 271 calories. I don’t know if this was good or bad.. but I felt like I pushed hard so that was good. Now I have to… Read more »
Fingers crossed. When do you get results?
Not for another week.
Please keep us updated with your MRI results!
Will do!
Hoping for the good news for your MRI!
Hope it all looks good with MRI
Family visiting so no time to go to the box, so instead:
2 mile run at about 80%: 17:30
Part C. 4×5 of db z press with 35#’s, 3×4 of strict sup C2B
A) All sets @ 70#
A2) All sets @ 78#
B) No Bike so 20 Cals on Rower/ 1 Ab Mat/ 5:18-5:21-5:29-5:00 *set 3 & 4 10 sHSPU
C) DB Z-Press 20#/S Supine C2B 8# 3-2/2-1-1-1/3-2-1
A. 135-150 then a few singles up to 170, high pulls x 3 with 170
B. row (no bike) 2:34,2:40, 2:42,2:44
C. 45 lb. for presses x 6 and CTB X 5
MOB & ROMWOD (post)
A. 135/140/145/148/150/152. A few misses and a very long warm up, completed as power snatch realized and redid as full snatch
B. 3:38 3:27 3:51 3:30
**1st time upside down in months
***hspu a slow singles with negative
****small slow kip still lacking enough to go strict
A. 95/95/100/100/105/105
Then 105/110/115
B. Used 2 abmats
C. Skipped, shoulders cooked from 12 days yesterday