For the next two days, there will only be one training session per day. You all are encouraged to hit that session hard, then recover. Saturday’s session will be our annual 12-Days of Christmas workout…then enjoy some downtime before we starting hammering it hard in preparation for the 2018 CrossFit Open!
Every minute on the minute for 6 minutes:
5 Supinated-Grip Bent Over Row (Heavy)
5 Max Effort Broad Jumps
You need to go heavy, if you can do 5 reps throughout the workout, the weight was too low. By the end you should only be able to do 3 reps correctly.
Four sets for max load:
Strict Dumbbell Press x Max Reps (heavy for 6-8 reps)
immediately followed by…
Dumbbell Push Press x Max Reps
immediately followed by…
Dumbbell Thrusters x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes
Use the same dumbbells for all 3 movements.
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 4011
Rest 60 seconds
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Left)
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets for times of:
30/20 Calorie Row
40 Jumping Lunges
20 Burpees
40 Air Squats
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 3 minutes
Kept things light today b/c I was a day behind with the online comp (Tuesday-Thursday)
A. 6 min EMOM
bent over row: 105/115/115/115/115/115
Broad jumps – done
C. Snatch grip rdl: 115# all 3 sets
Suitcase carry: 53/53/62#
& Worked on some positioning with PVC pipe
How did the events go?
Done with 215
Done with 50 lbs DBs
Done with 205 and 155 on the suitcase
Session 2:
215 strict press
5×10 single arm seated DB press at 50lbs
Emom for 10. 6 strict hspu
5 rounds:
6 ab wheel rollouts
6 supinated wide grip pull ups
4×25 banded glute bridges
A) 185
B) 45lbs this was super spicy
C) used 95lbs and 52 for the carry
D) 6:30, 7:38, 7:30
My quads felt like bricks lol
A) 155
B) 50# dbs
C) 205/88
D) 4:50/4:50/5:20
A. 155
B. Started too light
53 kB first set, 62 next three
C. 155/80
D. 6:52/7:02/6:20
30 cal airdyne
First day back. Been fighting Bronchitis. Just wanted to come in and tryvand move.
A. 205
B. 10/10/8. 8/10/8. 8/11/7. 9/10/9
C. 5:54, 5:43, 6:17
Hope you get back to full health soon Aaron!
A. 205# on rows
B. 2×50# dbs
Set 1-6/10/10
Set 2-6/10/10
Set 3-6/8/10
Set 4-6/10/9
C. 185# on snatch grip RDL
80# suitcase carry
D. 5:51/5:53/5:49
A. 185# and consistent 7′ broad jumps (brought lifters, forgot my regular WOD shoes)
b. 50# (heaviest I have available) still challenging for me 1st set 8, 12, 4
my reps went up towards the end
c. 205# Snatch grip deads w/ 2 pood KB (heaviest I had available)
D. 8:10 , 8:30 couldn’t fit the last round in, running late
Das boot:
Emom for 20
1. 15 cal bike
2. 15 burpees
Rest till 22:00 then
400m walking lunge w/vest + 15lb slamball
Hmm Das Butt program
First Workout in Home GYM!!!!
A. 205
B. No DB did BB 115
Good Morning Shoulders
C. Did the suit cases (back is still a little jacked up from Wednesdays DL)
It has been Christened and of course with an Assault Bike Workout 🙂
I will be spending a lot of time on it!