Primary Training Session
Skill Based Movement Primer
Every 6 minutes 18 minutes (3 sets):
30/20 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
5 Deadlifts
10 Hang Squat Clean to Overhead (115 / 75lbs)
Feel free to grab a buddy and perform this as a synchronized warm up
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Sets 4-6 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes
Do not exceed 95% on your back squat.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 2 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + 1 Snatch @ 85% of 1-RM
(Snatch Lift-Off = floor to mid-patella, then pause for 1 second, then return to the floor)
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
7 Touch & Go Snatch @ 50-55%
When the clock reaches 7:00 begin….
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
5 Touch & Go Snatch @ 60-65%
When the clock reaches 7:00 begin….
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Touch & Go Snatch @ 70-75%
Three to Four sets of:
60-90 second HEAVY Farmer Hold
Rest as needed
*Preferably you are using dumbbells or farmers handles, and if you have “fat grips”, even better.
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout we’re combining a mixture of engine, gymnastics, AND barbell cycling! In order to make it under the 3 minute time cap, you’re going to have to go hard! Your goal should be to have at least 30 seconds of rest after each of the sets. If that is not feasible, lower the bike calories down so that you are able to get some good gymnastics and barbell volume in! We want to take the base that we’ve been building for the last couple cycles and start to test you in a fatigued state! One more thing to note.. this is a lot of chest-to-bar pull-ups.. if the volume is going to be too high and leave you wrecked for the remainder of the week, we’d advise dropping the volume down to something that suits your abilities better! As the barbell gets heavier, we still want to see you attack it straight after the pull-ups, set yourself quickly and get going! Too much time thinking and that clock will bleed away fast!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):
20 Band Assisted Strict Pull-Ups
Three sets of:
Ring Biceps Curls x 12 reps @ 2021
Rest 45 seconds
Band Pull-Aparts x 30 reps
Rest 45 seconds
BikeErg Endurance Option
Three sets of:
8 minute bike @ 108+% of your 20 minute average watts
Rest 3-4 minutes between sets
Running Endurance Option
Three sets for times of:
Run 2000 Meters @ 5k PR pace
Run 800 Meters @ 60-65% of 5k PR pace
Rowing Endurance Option
“Row 40”
For distance:
40 Minutes of Rowing
Compare your result with that from the week of September 27, 2021. If you missed that effort, just know that this is a baseline time trial. We will repeat this effort periodically throughout the year to test your improvements in your work capacity (and mental focus), so please give it your best effort and make it a true test of your current capacity.