Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Strict Toes to Bar x 6-8 reps @ 3110
Alternating Pistols x 8-10 reps
Kettlebell Snatch x 5-8 reps each arm
Eight sets of:
Clean + Clean from Below the Knee
(from below the knee, pause with the barbell at least 2″ below the knee cap, plates hovering slightly off the floor, then clean)
Rest as needed
Build over the course of the eight sets.
Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
15 Box Jump-Overs
10 Front Squats
40-49: 24″/20″ Box; 175/125 lbs
50-59: 24″/20″ Step-Overs OK; 155/105 lbs
60+: 24″/20″ Step-Overs OK; 135/95 lbs
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A. Good warm up. Done
B. Worked to 215 felt good
C. 14:30 Rx. Those front squats got heavy quick. My quads were on fire.
had to do this sunday.
a. completed
b. worked to 135- felt heavy
c. 13:14 rx- not too sure how far i ran- we are inside now, it’s freezing in chicago.
I hope you all are enjoying your rest day! You guys put in a ton of hard work over this past week – look forward to this next week of transition! 🙂
A. Done
B. Tried to work on squat cleans. My power clean pr is better than squat clean. Kind of a struggle today. Kept loosing the bar out in front while attempting to rack, even at moderate weights.
C. 12:42 Rx 50-54
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Did this today with the youngsters who did reg competitor program. 🙂
A. Subbed Vups as hands are still torn; Pistols x10; Dumbell snatch @ 25# (read that one wrong..)x8
B. Skipped to practice an upcoming competition wod with my teammates
C. 13:00 @ 115# FS Happy to have kept up with or beaten some of those youngsters! 🙂
A. Completed
B. Started warming up and began feeling that all too familiar feeling in my back, hips outta alignment. Hit 115# then just called it and mobilized. Tried to pop them back in but too inflamed I think.
C. Had to modify this metcon because my back is wacked. Rowed 400m, 15 burpees, 20 walking lunges with 26# KB. Hope to get into some body work on Monday:(
Rest day today. forced by family vaca with brother and mom at Lake Chelan.
I kinda need it after the week I had!!!! and yesterdays bench and airdyne has made for an all over soreness!!
Took extra rest day and went outdoor hiking
A: Done
B: focused on technique and only built to 90kg
C: 9:52
A. Done
B. Worked up to 265#
C. 11:33 rx (40-49)
A. Done. ST2B are quite a challenge at that tempo. Snatches and pistols felt fine.
B. Only worked up to 185. Failed at 195 which is only 80%. Had no energy.
C. Nope. When I tried a few cleans at 155 I felt awful. From past experience I didn’t think doing the metcon would be very productive and called it a day. Going to rest up and be ready to hit hard on Monday.
Same feeling already in the morning. Took a rest day and went outdoor, felt great and will be strong on Monday.
A. Done. Pistols a work in progress.
B. Worked up to 185.
C. 14:32
A. Done
B. built to 110#- a new clean PR!
C. Did the 30 minute partner Metcon with the class today (AMRAP 100 kb, 100 burpee box jump overs,100 wall balls. Tracy was my partner we did 1 round + 246 reps)
Yay PR! 🙂
A Done
B Up to 105kg. Failed hang clean on 110kg. Had to try for PR on clean and I made it, 116kg!
A Rx
B Build up to 68kg
C 22.14 (Scaled front squats, 60, 65, 65 kg)
When box jump-overs are programmed what method are you referring? I have done them as box hops, not touching the standard “games box”. Also, I have jumped to top of box and off the other side. Both have improved my fitness 🙂 but just curious. Thanks..