Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Odd Minutes – Bench Press x 2-3 reps
Even Minutes – Row or Assault Bike (pick a set number of meters or calories that will be somewhat challenging to achieve in 40-45 seconds – e.g., if you can row 500 meters in 1:40, you might choose to row 200-220 meters on each even minute)
Five sets, not for time, of:
10-15 Meter Handstand Walk or Handstand Shoulder Taps
1-2 Legless Rope Climbs or Rope Climbs
Three sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed
Supine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Optional 10-15 minutes of Rowing or Assault Bike @ 65-70%
a. bench at 95×2, airdyne 45 sec. at 85%
b. 3 sets all time allowed- hs walks not great, 2 rope climbs
c. completed
d. no time
needed this active rest today. back still quite sore, but took it easy, and this helped a lot.
A. Bench 205×3 / Row stopped pulling @ 200m
B. 4 sets & my HS walks weren’t to hot tonight best run about 12feet but I did finally break down and try legless rope climbs (they always kinda just scared me on the risk) my last 2 ascents and made both first time ever boom..
C. Complete
D. 10 minutes on satan’s cycle the air dyne 3miles total. 🙂
A) 235×2 for all/ 200m row for all.
B) skipped 🙁
C) skipped 🙁
D) skipped 🙁
then skipped out of the box with dat pump tho…. 🙂
A. 150m row/ 3reps@105#
B. HS walks felt great, worked on legless and regular rope climbs each round.
C. Completed
D. Hot tub instead!
This was great for recovery, just to move, my body has been reeling for the last 48 hours.
A. Row 150m Bench 3×95#
B. Shoulder taps, can only get about half way up the rope without legs.
C. Done
D. Rowed
I really enjoy the programming even though I have SO many things to work on. I am only one of about 3 in my gym in their late 40’s, (okay, almost 50) it’s great seeing such fast times and well rounded athletes my age. It has really helped motivate me! Thank you!!
Awesome to hear Dawn!
Worked some snatches before starting Invictus workout. Did a single every 90 sec. for 15 min. 2 lb. pr (187) on last set. Over a year since last snatch pr.
A. Row 190-200/bench worked up to 200 x 3,
B. Done
C. Done
D. Moderate pace 1 mile run.
Nice job Al!!!!!
A: AirDyne 45 sec / Bench @ 80% 3 reps
B: 5 rds – opted for a 30ft single climb.
C: Done
D: completed evening class WOD.
A 3x70kg benchpress and 200-220 meter row
B Done
C Done
Nice with some recovery training today…:)
A. Bench 185×3, Row 200m
B. 5×20 taps, 5 x 1 legless + 1 regular
C. Done
D. Skipped. Spent quality active recovery on rower yesterday.
A. Bench 185lbs, Row 200m all sets under 40 seconds.
B. Skipped to let shoulder rest more.
C. GHD only
D. 15 minutes on the AirDyne. 4.16 miles/163 cal
This was perfect after the competition this week.
A. 185×3 – 85-92 rpms airdyne (2.8mile/4.5km)
B. only 1 handstand walk (wrist) 1 legless then 2s with legs for rest
C. Subbed hip thrusts @ 135
D. No time
LOVE hip thrusts, so good for posterior chain!
First time really doing them. Tried it literally 1 time this summer at Oregon cf in bend. I def like it!
My legs are tore up from the airdyne today!
A. Bench: 3 reps @ 80%, row 150 m
B. 3 sets 15 shoulder taps, 2 sets HS walks towards wall/all 5 sets 1 legless, 1 regular rope climb
C. Done
D. 10 minutes on rower. Worked on mechanics and played around with different damper settings
A. Bench 3 x 90-95#; row 150 m
B. No rope, so worked on HS walks, HS holds, and HS shoulder taps
C. 12 GHD sit ups; 10 supine ring row
D. Row 15 mins at 2:30 pace
Thanks CJ for an easier day! I needed it 🙂
A. Bench @70%, row 200 meter
B. 10 shoulder taps, 1 legless
C. 12 reps hip thrusters, 12 supine ring rows
Last time did bench press was three years ago – interesting experience, I took last 1RM back then for this and looks my bench has gone way up without doing it 🙂
Looking for suggestions for GHD sit-up alternatives.
Thanks in advance!
I always do hip thrusters because I have no GHD either. I try do be explosive with moderate weights rather than slow motion with big weights.
You could also do V-Ups or strict toes to bar!
No percentage on the bench, just work up to a moderate weight for doubles or triples.
V-ups – I had forgotten those :-), Maybe I alternate next time
Here is a video of V-Ups: