Primary Session
Movement Primer
Four sets of
5 Depth Jump with a Vertical Take-off
(High Box)
15 Second Assault Bike Sprint
Rest 60 seconds
Build to 85-90% of your 1-RM Power Clean, and then…
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Power Clean + Front Squat x 1.1 @ 80-85% of your 1-RM Power Clean
Perform a power clean followed by a front squat, drop the bar and reset then repeat.
Against a 2:30 clock:
100 Double-Unders
50-Foot Handstand Walk
Max Reps of Power Cleans in remaining time
Rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR Sets
Set 1: 55% of 1-RM Power Clean
Set 2: 60% of 1-RM
Set 3: 65% of 1-RM
Set 4: 70% of 1-RM
Handstand Walk alternatives:
For every 50-Foot of Handstand Walk, perform 30 nose-to-wall, back-to-wall or freestanding shoulder taps.
Five sets for max reps of:
60 second Row or Ski-Erg
60 seconds of Wall Ball Shots (20/14lb.)
60 seconds of Burpee Over the Erg
60 seconds Rest
Record score as total rep/calories for each of the 5 sets.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to (0-4″ Deficit)
At the 15 minute mark. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
5 Burpee Bar Muscle-Up
At the 30 minute mark. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
15 Pull-Ups
Running Endurance Option
Five sets for times of:
Run 1000 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
*Set 1 – 90% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 2 – 80% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 3 – 90% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 4 – 80% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 5 – 90% of 1-Mile PR pace
Rowing Endurance Option
Fifteen (15) sets for distances of:
90 seconds of Rowing
Rest 60 seconds
Your goal for this session should be consistent pacing across all 15 sets. Your perceived rate of exertion throughout this session should increase every set, such that by the time you reach the 10th set you should be over 90% effort to match your earlier efforts.
Was not feeling it in training today. 2 of my
coaches are out because if COVID so it’s been a stressful week.
A. Only built up to 205# today. Then 195# for the complex
B. 16 reps @ 135, 14 reps @150, 12 reps @160, 10 reps @ 175#
C. Just picked a set number for each and stuck with it. Had like :10-:15 rest each minute. 16 cals. 20 wallballs. Pushed the burpees to do a couple extra each set. 15/16/16/18/22. Happy with the burpees though.
Good job still getting in some training! Hang in there and keep yourself healthy!!
A. Build to 90kg
8 sets @ 80kg for power clean and frontsquats.
B. Power cleans from 55 to 70kg
Did not count the reps. Set @ 70kg 9 reps.
Added yesterdays:
2 sets unbroken of
20 skull crushers 20 tate press 20 floor press @ 7.5kg
How’s your back?
Emom 65kg
I- DU Ub/HSW 10-3-2/ 5 Cleans
II- Du 64-100/ HSW UB / Ceans 7
III- Du 39-49-78-100/ HSW UB /Cleans 4
IV- Du 49-78-96-100/ HSW UB/ Cleans 6
I 14/25/15 Total 54
II 15/23/15 Total 53
III 15/23/15 Total 53
IV 14/19/15 Total 48
V-14/18/13 Total 45
Aeoribic gymnastic option done, but Amrap 8 min, rest 2 min
II 6R +1 BMU
III 4 R +12 Pull Ups
Big days work to round out three solid training days!
A 145kg
130kg on the sets
B 3 sets unb du’s last set broke 2 times because of a trip
90kg x 16 reps
100kg x 13reps
105kg x 11reps
110kg x 8 reps
21/ 21/ 18
21/ 20/ 20
All the cleans! Your back and legs survive??
hahaha nope they did not. Body is screaming for a restday
Did a full session this morning – some winter storms headed my way this afternoon so wanted to get the primary session out of the way in case something weather related comes up A. Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets): Power Clean + Front Squat x 1.1.1 @ 75-80% of your 1-RM Power Clean – 205 B. Did last week’s barbell cycling instead of what I was supposed to do – I can only HSW 25′ at a time in the garage so I wasn’t sure how long 100′ would take me. I wanted to get a baseline.… Read more »
Making it work with the home setup and weather! Stay safe dude!
Built to 200lbs
Then 180lbs across all eight sets.
13 at 125lbs – UB DUs/HS Walks
8 at 135lbs – UB DUs/HS Walks
5 at 145lbs – UB DUs/HS Walk
2 at 155lbs – multiple DU trips, UB HS Walk. First power clean here was a little rough!
B & C back to back today was a fun challenge!
Smooth until that last set!! Solid day overall!
112 kg
95-95-95 kg
100-100-100 kg
102-102 kg
Hswalk 7.5+7.5 m
65 kg 10 Rep 40”/50”
70 Kg 8 Rep 35”
75 Kg 6 Rep 30”
82 Kg 6 Rep 45 “
294 Rep
58 Rep ( Row 20 WB 26 Burpee 12)
60 Rep (19-24-17)
58 Rep (20-26-14)
58 Rep (20-24-14)
61 Rep ( 20-25-16)
In the afternoon Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option but with 200 m ROW???? No possible Run
I would assault bike 12 calories. You rowed know your first session ??
Ok. Grazie??