Are you already registered for our 6th Annual Invictus Athlete Online Competition
? It’s fun and it’s free, and it’s a great test to see where you stand before we head into our final cycle to prepare you for the 2018 CrossFit Open.
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, for 20 minutes (8 sets) for times:
30 Double-Unders
10 Toes to Bar
8 Box-Facing Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Primary Strength Session
Four sets for max load:
Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep
immediately followed by…
Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x Max Reps
(using your 1-RM strict shoulder press)
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets for max reps of:
100-Foot Sled Push (Heavy)
Immediately followed by. . .
60 seconds of Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Immediately followed by. . .
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
The sled should be loaded at a weight that you can move for 100-feet, HOWEVER it should be heavy enough that you don’t want to pick up the barbell. As soon as you complete the sled push, your 60-second clock starts for your thrusters.
Two sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull (Heavy)
Rest as needed
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 4011
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Press x 8 reps each @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Left)
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (Right)
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets of:
Weighted Stationary Dips x 10-12 reps @ 20X1
(place the weights on a dip belt behind you so that the plates rest against your butt like this
– it will help you focus on more triceps engagement)
Rest 30 seconds
Banded Face Pulls x 30 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions x 30 reps @ 20X0
Rest 30 seconds
Supine GHD Hold x 30-45 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Running Endurance Option
Six sets for distance of:
90 seconds of Sprinting
Rest 3 minutes
Rowing Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Row 500 Meters
Rest 3 minutes
Compare results to October 18, 2017.
Came in the morning to for complete conditioning and work on some gymnastics.
All times for conditioning were around 1:11 to 1:15.
Evening Strength
Within 5 minutes of walking in to the gym I got coerced in to jumping in to a birthday WOD, so I was SUPER warmed up…
12 Squat Snatches 155
14 MU
19 OHS 155
90 Dubs
28 Bar facing burpees
Then started strength:
A) Done at 175, 21/19/16/14 Lunges
B) Sled Done, Thrusters 25/22/20, SHPU 7/6/6 << just dead
December 13th-
Primary Strength:
A. 85# — failed for a 1rep
Used 80# (which is what I was able to use for the 3reps last week ??♀️)
80# w/ 30 lunges
81# w/ 30 lunges
82# w/ 30 lunges
82# w 30 lunges
**I’m seeing an imbalance here — I’m assuming I need to work on my strict press?
B. 210# on sled push all 3 sets
Thrusters @ 65#: 17/16/18
Scaled to piked box hspu: 13/11/12
1:22 – 2 trips
1:11 – 1 trip
1:08 – 1 trip
Define imbalance in relation to your strict press?
What I meant by that is looking across the board at what other people are getting, it seems that my lunges are disproportionate to my press. So because I was getting 30 lunges, I’m wondering if my press Isn’t quite where it should be?
I think you need to make that assessment based. Your own progress and abilities. Progress is progress, others results are irrelevant to your own journey.
Forgot to post yesterday:
A. HHS + SB: 75/80
HHS+HS+OHS: 80/85
HS+OHS: 85/90/95
B. Snatch:
Attempted 140 – did a pull but chickened out and didn’t pull myself under…one day!
Did part A from Monday.
22:02 (supposed to finish by 18:00)
3 rounds:
15 burpees to target
15 cals
10 shspu **did 10 negatives*
15 cals
7 muscle ups **did 4 muscle-ups**
Strength Accessory:
A. Deadlift:
275 – nope
275 – noooope
Primary strength: A. Strict press @85/90/95/100 (these were feeling solid so I went for a 5lb Pr, got it 🙂 Reverse front rack lunges max reps: 20/14/10/12 B. It’s slick outside so I subbed these with plate pushes @25lb on the floor inside so I didn’t take up a lot of space Max rep thrusters: 12/10/10 Max rep seated db strict presses: 22/18/22 Conditioning: Scaled to: 20 dubs, 8 unbroken t2b, 6bbjo :58/1:00/:49/:53/1:00/:56/:52/:51 Strength accessory: A. Snatch grip rdl @85 Single arm db presses @25 Suitcase carries @50 B. Weighted dips @10 Banded face pulls done Banded overheard tricep ext… Read more »
Great day of training Ashlee! Congrats on the Press PR!!
Conditioning : done
A. 140 x 30 reps
145 x 20 reps
150 x 22 reps
155 (PR) x 22 reps
Forgot to put in yesterday…
Strength: worked up to 190# snatch….was feeling slow and tired today and shoulders weak after having Graston done in the AM
Conditioning: 4:00/3:53/3:52, KBS and HSW unbroken
Strength Accessory Deadlift: lifetime PR by 15# at 345!
Crushing it Teresa!!! Congrats on the Press and deadlift PR!
Thank you!! ?
Nice job! Rocking it!
Thanks Lindsay!
I apparently rode the reading and pacing short bus today… A: Strict Press + Lunges (I read three and later saw it was four… like, just now) 140lbs + 21 Lunges 145lbs + 18 Lunges 145lbs + 16 Lunges Made an attempt at my lifetime strict Press of 150 and was just short. 145lbs was still plenty taxing. B: Didn’t read good. Went for max Thrusters in 60 seconds and then max UB SHSPU… ? 30, 4 28, 5 25, 4 Then I felt bad that I missed that work so did two cash out sets of max SHSPU in… Read more »
I hope you’re more careful When your dealing with lawsuit documents ???
Or less careful… depending on what side you’re on
Oh I am, it’s a difference months and years off people’s lives! I normally write everything out on a whiteboard… this is what happens when I don’t… ?
Primary conditioning
Primary strength
Press/lunge – 135×24,155×20, 165×15, 175×12
Added a plate for a small deficit (bad idea)
Thruster 20-20-18
Strict hspu 12-10-7
Shoulders are smoked this week for some reason i can usually do 25-30 unbroken Strict hspu. Fatigue is weird man haha.
There’s been just a little bit of upper body work 🙂
Primary conditioning:
(Needed a wheel house one today)
Strength later today
You were moving dude! Great work!
Had to protect the knee today
just did the first two movements 8 rounds for time
A) 6 lbs PR for press at 201 (4 pounds from a lifetime goal) almost passed out on this one took forever to lockout the right arm fought hard.
Yeah buddy!! Great work in the Press PR!!
Is your knee feeling better?
Working on it the quad and glute are pretty tight.
Das boot athlete:
Crap ton of mobility.
5×7 Ring MU with :45 between sets.
5×10 ring dips w/vest with 1:00 rest between sets
3×20 UB t2b w/vest with 1:30 rest between sets
Emom for 10 mins: 5 strict hspu
4×10 single arm DB bench press with pause in bottom and top
4×25 banded glute Bridges with pause at the top.
Accumulated 3 min hang from pull up bar. 3×1:00 hangs with like :30-:40 rest between
You should do L-Sits
Aye, aye Captain!
Morning session: Primary conditioning Took me two rounds to get going on this today they were my slowest rounds at about 1:20 I messed up on double unders on both rounds and tripped over the box on the second. But they were all consistent at 1:14-1:18 after that haha Afternoon session: Primary strength A) 175-16/180-16/180-14/180-16 5lb pr on my strict press, lunges got nasty happy with my effort though B) 5 45s and 1 25 on the sled and had to pull since we don’t have one I can push. 16/17/18 thrusters and 6/8/9 hspus C) 120 on the sled… Read more »
Nice work in the Press PR!
All the overhead work is paying off!
Yes it is! Thank you!
0-10:00: Run 1 mile – 6:32
10-20:00: Assault Bike 100 calories – 5:27
20-30:00: Row 2k – 7:01
Strict Press and some accessory done.
All the cardio!
First few rounds are always my warm up ?
Scaled to hanging knee raises
C’mon! They should all be down at 50 seconds, don’t think we go easy on you because your pregnant or anything 🙂
Nice work!
Primary Strength
A. 95/100/105/108 for SP. 25/20/15/15 for lunges.
B. 180# total for sled. Thrusters were 23/24/24, never let go of it. 10/9/6 for shspu
C. Used 140#
Accessory Strength.
SP used 30# and 53# for suitcase carry.
Been bad about posting and doing a bit of #WTFYWTD these last 2 weeks 🙂 Jumping in to classes and having some fun.
:59/ :58/ 1:01/ 1:02/ 1:03/ 1:03/ 1:03/ 1:04
A.Strict Press + Lunges:
1. 105/14
2. 105/16
4. 115/14 <–ol' strict press was not awesome today ?
B. This was spicy!
Prowler + 4×45#
1. 15 thrusters/10 SHSPU
2. 15/9
3. 15/9
Glad you’re having fun lets just make sure you’re still making progress!
Primary conditioning:
1) :55
2) :54
3) :49
4) :50
5) :54
6) :55
7) :55
8) :54
Primary Conditioning:
Averaged about 1:10 every round. Doubles were good only tripped up twice and all ttb unbroken
A. Strict Press plus reverse lunge 105# + 16 reps, 110# (pr!) + 10 reps, then 105# on last 2 plus 14 reps lunge
B. No sled so I bear hugged a 100# slam ball ??♀️ 1) 22 thruster/8 shspu
2) 22/9
3) 21/7
Great third day of training! Congrats on the press PR!
1) a) 70/65/65/70 last pr was 65
b) 12/11/12/14
2) sub sled by 6 high box jump (1m) with 20lb vest
Thrusters: 15/15/15
Shspu: 6/5/5
3) 3 peg board ascent with vest.
Primary Conditioning Session
Really enjoy this format, 58-53-52-50-53-52-50-50)
Primary Strength Session
A. Press @70kg around90% of my Max.. 20-22-24-22 reverses lunges
B. 3sets: Lost my legs on the lunges, sled heavy + 20 thrusters each times + 12-13-14 SHspu
C. 2 sets of HOHRP done
Feel fatigue, think compex on legs and shoulder tonight ^^
Need a good rest day ^^
Should have kept all those intervals at 50 seconds 🙂
Solid three days of training, time to rest up!
I think I can, just fail the DU ^^
Primary conditioning
A. All rounds between 1:20-1:50
A. 165/175/185/
B. 200′ sled push 255#
C. Did 3 x 10-12 reps of laying barbell row
Big press bub!
I think it ties my PR!