December 12, 2015 – Masters Off-Season

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Min 1 – Muscle-Ups x 2-4 reps
Min 2 – Handstand Walk x 10 meters


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Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Min 1 – Muscle-Ups x 1-2 reps
Min 2 – Handstand Walk x 5-10 meters

*If you don’t have muscle-ups, then do jumping muscle-ups.
*If you don’t have handstand walks, then do shoulder taps x 14-16 reps.

Three sets of:
Row 750 meters
Front Squats x 15 reps
Burpees over the Barbell x 15 reps
Rest 4 minutes

40-49: 185/125 lbs
50-54: 155/105 lbs
60+: 135/95 lbs

*This may seem like a light day but I want you guys feeling ready to go for the Invictus Online Competition this coming Monday!

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December 14, 2015 6:11 am

A) Did jumping Mu’s for the first time and had a spotter on my HS walks; didn’t do as EMOM but it went really well for both. Total of 10 jumping MU’s and about 30m total of HS walking. Fun!!!
B) @ 105# 6:38/6:45/6:51

Quinn Longman (43, 5'7" 69kg)
Quinn Longman (43, 5'7" 69kg)
December 13, 2015 8:26 pm

M and a done
Did the emom with MU x2, struggled today to get transition swing right. Hsw were off today. Holds were ok.
Did different wod today. Let’s just say it took 40 minutes and I did the wrong reps for clean, MU and rope climbs. So thinking it should been u der 40 easy. If I had done threes instead of 5s. Was good for a blowout.

Dutch Orange
Dutch Orange
December 13, 2015 2:59 pm

Joined Gymnastics class today. Slight mods on the MU section (see photo)

B: did the Assault Bike/PP wod see 12/11 notes.

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
December 13, 2015 1:13 pm

A. Done – 2 MU’s per round – I’m starting to feel really good about these. Rarely have a ‘chicken wing’ when doing them. Now if I could only link them, instead of dropping each time. Had a couple of good HS walk today. It seems that I can’t go more than a couple of days without practicing these or I lose my sense of balance on them.
B. 6:39/6:29/6:04 row time was pretty similar for all sets; broke up the front squats into 8&7 for each round – the difference was probably on the burpees.

Vince Salemi (41, 5'7" 168# )
Vince Salemi (41, 5'7" 168# )
December 13, 2015 11:58 am

A. Completed – 3 MU/Round
B. Wow this kicked my butt after heavy squats yesterday. 5:19, 5:19, 5:22

Pete Mongeau
Pete Mongeau
December 13, 2015 8:52 am

1st day back, needed the rest
MU skill work
BackSquat finished at 340
B. This was sneaky 5:17, 5:22 5:13 @185 bar facing 1st 2rds bar over last round tried to go to that dark space. Got there no problem lol probably not smart when training alone

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
December 12, 2015 7:08 pm

A. Muscle ups did not go well and hs walks were marginal, I did manage 1 10m unbroken which is a pr for me
B. I forgot to jot my times down this am but I believe the first rd to be about 6:30 and the next 2 should’ve been close to that

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 13, 2015 11:27 am
Reply to  Jay Werstler

Solid Jay!

December 12, 2015 5:54 pm

A. Done
B. Did first two sets with 135 by mistake. Third set with 155 (4:43,4:55,5:15)
Have a nice weekend all!

Cheryl Blank
Cheryl Blank
December 12, 2015 3:20 pm

Light day for me. Did Oly Lifting drills~Fixing my early arm bend. Had 3 PR’s this week. Hitting a #20 PRvand joking the #200 Backsquat club made my week!

December 12, 2015 2:13 pm

Did a coaches workout today – EMOM. Included bar MU because I’ve had a hard time with them. By the end was able to link two together! Have a great weekend!

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
December 12, 2015 2:11 pm

A. Muscle ups: 2/1/2/2/2/1/1, HS walks went well
B. Snatched up to 85% (120#) and then did 60th birthday WOD for one of my training partners (a stud and 3 time Games competitor), Holly Arrow…we did Isabel (30 snatched at 95#): 4:28

It was fun having a more relaxed training day 🙂

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 13, 2015 11:28 am

What a fun training day!

Brian Belchik
Brian Belchik
December 12, 2015 1:59 pm

Im loving this programing. This is my second day, can’t wait to see the results in about 12 weeks!

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 13, 2015 11:28 am
Reply to  Brian Belchik

Welcome Brian!

Cheryl Blank
Cheryl Blank
December 14, 2015 5:46 pm
Reply to  Brian Belchik

Excited to see your results in 4!

Brent Cain 45 Crossfit RSP
Brent Cain 45 Crossfit RSP
December 12, 2015 12:36 pm

Fell into a funk last week and stayed out of the gym after Monday. Got off my dead ass today and made up a few things from the week.
Back squat. Went up to 355 pretty confidently but had to get a slight spot at 365 from my good buddy Jim. Been a while since I’ve felt that good with heavy weight on my back.
Did the 30 min emom from this Wednesday. That one was way more enjoyable than the past few weeks. Lol. Excited about Monday and the competition. I’m ready to see something different.

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 13, 2015 11:29 am

Sounds like your body needed a little rest and it is ready to go now! Happy to see you back on posting!

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
December 12, 2015 11:21 am

Went in to do this “light” workout today, but wound up doing some power cleans and a team wod with some friends (30 deadlifts at 185, 30 cal row and 30 OHS at 95). Fun workout with friends. PR on power clean today (235) was unexpected.

Nichole D
Nichole D
December 13, 2015 11:29 am

Nice Joe!

Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
December 12, 2015 9:21 am

A. 4 MU per rnd, HSW done
B. 5:40, 5:36, 5:43. I prefer working out in the afternoon. 🙂
Post – :15 OH Yoke holds 3 set at 185/225/245 then 1 set at 265/285/305
Enjoy the weekend

Tracy OConnell (40-44) NE
Tracy OConnell (40-44) NE
December 12, 2015 9:12 am

A. I did the EMOM but man those MU were hard today!
So… 1/2/1/1/2/1 and 1 extra for practice after the time. NP on the HS walks
B. 125# FS wow! that wasn’t easy! 5:30/6:38/6:22
good times!
And then handstands and handstand walks for fun with my gang! 🙂 Great day.

Dean Plummer (45/5'8"/157)
Dean Plummer (45/5'8"/157)
December 12, 2015 8:23 am

A)Completed with 3mu and ub hsw
B)5:09/5:11/5:14 @155#

Jim Weihl 44 Crossfit RSP
Jim Weihl 44 Crossfit RSP
December 12, 2015 6:04 am

A. 4,4,4,3,4,4. walks not good
B. every round around 5:30 wow
NOTE: did not feel like a easy day :O

Kruger 40-44
Kruger 40-44
December 11, 2015 11:44 pm


27 min – something.. Evil workout after last day backsquat.. Hips was dead during the row. Goodpart was that I was looking forward for the burpees..

December 12, 2015 12:17 am
Reply to  Kruger 40-44

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