December 10-16, 2018 – 5K Cycle (Week 3)

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Please continue to post your results, questions and comments to the Endurance Athlete Facebook group.

This is Week 3/6 for the current cycle and is the perfect time to do some shopping for some new running shoes. Check out the blog post I wrote awhile back on new shoes.

We will kick off a 1/2 marathon cycle starting on January 7th so what a great way to bring in the new year and reach your health and fitness goals!

Warm-Up (Utilize this for all three workouts this week. This should only take you about 15-20 minutes to get through)
Run 2 minutes @ 50%
Stretch calves and achilles for 2 minutes
Run 2 minutes @ 60%


10 Minutes of Plyometrics

Running Mechanics Drills

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Two sets of:
Charlie’s Angels Drills (Ideal Position)
Carioca (Falling)

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Followed by…

Run 3 sets of suicide sprints – increasing your intensity with each one. Run out 10 meters out and back, 20 meters out and back, 30 meters out and back, 40 meters out and back and finally 50 meters out and back.

Perform the first one at about 60% max effort, the second one at 70% max effort and the final one at 80% max effort.

Cool Down

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– same as the warm up, use this after each run session this week. This should only take you about 10-15 minutes to cool down, don’t neglect it though!
2 Lap Easy Jog
10 Minutes of Static Stretching
Focus on IT Band
Self Myfascial Release for your Feet

Session One
VO2 Max
Eight Sets of:
150 Meter Sprints
Rest 4 Minutes between each

Ten Sets of:
150 Meter Sprints
Rest 4 Minutes between each

These sprint efforst should not deviate more than 2-3 seconds.

Lots of rest between these – make sure you are going about 90-95% effort on them.

Post your times to FB group.

Session Two
Endurance Capacity
For Completion:
2 Miles at your goal pace for your 5k
Rest 3-5 Minutes
Followed by…
1 Mile at your goal pace for your 5k

Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Three Sets of:
800 Meter Hill Sprint
Rest 3 Minutes between efforts

Four Sets of:
800 Meter Hill Sprint
Rest 3 Minutes between efforts

Estimate that each one will take up to 5 minutes, easy jog back down to the bottom of the hill for your recovery.

You can set up your treadmill for 5 minutes running with an incline but make it a smaller incline than the previous 2 weeks.

Post your times to FB group.

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