Tips and Tricks to Become More Mobile!


Tips and Tricks to Become More Mobile!
Written by Bryan Miller

I recently wrote an article on the importance of mobility as it relates to fitness competitions. In short, it can have a significant impact on your placing, as every ounce of energy is needed to perform at your highest potential and if you have any energy leaks or mobility problems, then you are leaving a lot on the table. Here are some ideas to help improve in performance or for life.

I will give you some ideas about making time to mobilize during the day based on my daily routine. As a coach I will lead the class through a thorough warm up, usually about 10-15 minutes, and if I teach four classes a day, all that time adds up. This provides me a great opportunity to utilize some mobility drills that I lead the class through. I also prioritize stretching before I train. I look for every opportunity to stretch and mobilize; some may laugh at this priority of mine but I will also stretch my non-driving forearm in my car against the seat. Be efficient with your time!

If you do coach full time, then while coaching on the floor, try to change positions as often as possible, while still giving your clients your fullest attention. For example, I’ll often sit in a squat while watching my clients lift; this really opens up the ankles, knees, and back. I’ll put my knee on the ground and open my hips as well, knowing that every little bit helps.

One thing I make sure to do every day is to hold a bridge for at least one minute. This really opens up the shoulders and as a CrossFit competitor, the shoulders can get very tight and the anterior shoulders can get very forward, resulting in limited range of motion. The bridge really helps counter these adaptations.

With a resurgence of flexibility, movement, and mobility in the fitness culture, there is one person I really look up to in this area, Ido Portal. He has recently gotten a lot of exposure from videos of him training the mixed martial artist Connor McGregor. He has a ton of great drills and I recommend everyone to look up and implement some of those drills from his YouTube channel.

You should always be striving to become a better athlete or a better human, especially if we’re talking about longevity in this sport or even if you just want to live a longer and happier life. If you don’t use the range of motion that you have TODAY then you will have less and less each day, little by little your body will tighten up and you’ll become immobile. Just like with anything, consistency is key and arguably the most important. This methodology applies for stretching, consistency is king.

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