Reps for Rescue to End Slavery and Sex Trafficking

Reps for Rescue to End Slavery and Sex Trafficking
Video by Forward Film Co
Written by Melissa Hurley

Invictus is dedicated to help champion a small handful of causes each year and one that we are extremely passionate about supporting is Reps for Rescue, a fundraiser for International Justice Mission (IJM).

IJM is a non-profit organization that fights to protect the poor from violence in the developing world. The work they do to fight slavery and sex trafficking, all over the world, is what they are most well-known for. BUT they also crusade against police brutality, sexual violence, property grabbing, and human rights abuse in developing countries. Their main goal is to fight for justice for the poor and faceless people. IJM has also received a 4-star rating (highest possible) for the last 5 years from Charity Navigator. Charity Navigator rates non-profit and charitable organizations on their efficiency of contributions.

In addition to strongly believing in their mission, I also have personal ties to this organization as my uncle Gary Haugen founded it. Although some may say I support this because he’s my uncle, I wanted to share that I’m actually the blessed one. I am super proud of his work and even more proud of the person that he is.

Uncle Gary’s resume is quite extensive, please read his biography here. In addition to working as Director of the United Nations and the U.S. Department of Justice, he has authored a book called the Locus Effect and been featured on a TED talk called ‘The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now’.

Best of all, he’s a CrossFitter! Last year I had the blessing of helping him become a Masters Regional Athlete. His love for CrossFit and passion for justice were the basis behind Reps for Rescue.

When: December 10th 7:30am-12:00pm
Where: Downtown Invictus (1401 E Street, San Diego, Ca, 92101)
How: Register here

*Create Fundraiser page

*Top fundraisers will get to partner up with a Games athlete for a special heat of the workout. At the Reston event, this part alone raised over $10K – enough to fund two rescue missions!

Here is some information about IJM and the event:

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