Post Open Goal Setting


Post Open Goal Setting
Written by Nichole DeHart

The Open is done, phew! Now onto a new phase of training! Whether you are heading onto Regionals Prep training or are starting your Off-Season training, now is a perfect time to assess your goals. It is after the Open, which is a big milestone for most athletes, and is a great time to reflect on training to evaluate where you are and where you would like to be.

To be successful in this sport, it is crucial to keep your mindset focused and keep your eyes on the prize (whatever that prize may be). Now, this isn’t to say that you can’t celebrate when you achieve a goal; celebrating is equally as important as setting them. You need to stop and celebrate your accomplishments and I hope you all have done that this past week following the Open! But now that you have had a few days to reflect on your performance during the Open (and hopefully celebrated some accomplishments), it is good to set some new goals to help you stay focused and motivated!

I wrote a blog post way back in 2011 that highlighted some aspects on how to set realistic and attainable goals. You can read it here:

We want our athletes to be successful and planning for success is the first step. We have created a workbook for our athletes to help assist with goal setting. Calvin Sun, one of the coaches at Invictus, has written a goal setting workbook. This workbook will help you explore your why’s and vision, how to set effective goals and how to work to achieve them without the ever present self-sabotage. We want you to be successful in your athletic endeavors so please download this free workbook and start setting your new goals today!


Click here to download the FREE Goal Setting eBook Today!


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