How to Overcome the Mental Aspect of Weightlifting

How to Overcome the Mental Aspect of Weightlifting
Video by Invictus Weightlifting Coach Jared Enderton

Do you get psyched out when attempting a new PR?

What if the PR weight “feels” heavy & slow?

How we think determines how we behave. Invictus Weightlifting Coach Jared Enderton takes a look at how we can improve our mental game when going after a big lift!

Is Olympic lifting a weakness of yours? Checking out our newly launched Invictus Weightlifting Program with Coach Jared Enderton. With this program, you’ll receive 3 days a week of programming, plus access to our private Facebook group where you can upload videos to be reviewed and receive feedback from the Coach himself. This program focuses on the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk, plus includes accessory and supplemental work to help improve your positioning.
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Edward Becker
Edward Becker
September 28, 2017 7:35 pm

Very cool explanation! Thx!

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