The Mounting Ring Muscle-Up

The Mounting Ring Muscle-Up
Video by Travis Ewart

The struggle can be very real when it comes to Kipping Ring Muscle-Ups. Learning to bring your body from below the rings to the top of the rings is not small feat, yet it can be even more difficult without direction. Finding the easiest way to elevate your body is always our goal as athlete, but as coaches it’s even more important so we don’t watch our athletes struggle time and time again, putting in 100% effort and getting less than exciting rewards.

The Mounting Ring Muscle-Up technique may not be for everyone and mainly focuses on the Rising Muscle-Up (as opposed to the Rowing Muscle-Up), but nonetheless this technique can give even the most seasoned athlete a little extra sparkle in their smile when they realize that with a couple of key points they may have been missing.

In our Invictus Gymnastics online program you will find little tidbits like these throughout the programming, as the bulk of the written programming has hyperlinks to literally hundreds of video tutorials and demonstrations.

Please enjoy the technique we are sharing with you and please post any comments or questions you may have! Wanna join the hundreds of online athletes making crazy gains in their gymnastics by following our 20 minute gymnastics sessions three days a week? Find us HERE and join our Invictus Gymnastics Facebook Group to ask questions share video for actual feedback from a gymnastics coach!

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