The Midline Makes the World Go Round
Written by Holden Rethwill
Core to extremity. The basis of CrossFit and all functionality. Every movement we perform in this sport is done so by engaging and activating your midline first. It’s no question that the top athletes and strongest individuals in CrossFit have some of the strongest midlines. So why are you neglecting yours? Just a few minutes a day can help increase the strength and stability of your core, and might help show some of those abdominal muscles we all covet…plus, it’s beach season here in San Diego, so why wouldn’t you want a stronger core?
Here are some movements that I personally add into my training as well as my clients’:
Rope Hang Scissor Kicks
Pike Pulses
Flutter and Scissor Kicks
Tuck Rocks
Face Down Chinese Plank
If there’s one thing I’ve learned both coaching and competing, it’s that there is no substitute for a strong midline! So start improving yours today! Just 5-10 minutes at the end or beginning of each workout can help pay off in the long run!
Also check out our posts on unilateral movement for some more ideas on how to bulletproof your body and supplement your gains!
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