This athlete was one of many with sore backs after 18.4 – but how many of them do you think recovered with the 3 tips below?

3 Holistic Remedies for Back Pain
Written by Nichole Kribs

Unfortunately, most of us have experienced some type of back discomfort. Whether it is from training, sitting at a desk all day, a car accident, a freak accident (the list goes on), many of us have experienced some type of back spasm. A back spasm can happen suddenly and can be extremely uncomfortable and very painful.

What is a Back Spasm?

According to Spine-Health, a back spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle that can cause a great deal of pain. This involuntary contraction can be caused by a traumatic event, accident or inflammation and the muscles that support the spine go into a spasm. This leads to pain and loss of range of motion, which can severely limit movement of any kind. Does this sound familiar?

Why Pills Should Not be Your Long Term Pain Solution

If you look at most medications, both prescription and OTC, most of them deal with treating the symptoms, not the cause, and most have harmful or dangerous side effects that could be just as bad or worse than the original problem.

Take Ibuprofen, for example, which is used to “treat” pain, that pain is usually an underlying symptom of something else. So, when we pop pills, we’re usually just masking one of the symptoms and not addressing the root cause like your injury or overuse tendonitis, or the pinched nerve in your shoulder, so it never actually gets better.

Besides keeping you from being a better athlete, NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory, and over the counter pain medications have been linked to not only G.I. and cardiovascular problems – which many of us already know about – but also bone and tendon weakening – something many may not know. So, when you take NSAIDs for tendonitis or other chronic pain, which means you’re taking multiple pills per day for long periods of time, you are actually weakening the exact thing you are trying to fix! NSAIDs – Ibuprofen, Advil, etc. – have been shown to delay and hamper the healing in all the soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Anti-inflammatories can delay healing and delay it significantly, even in muscles with their tremendous blood supply (Greene)

Try One or All of These Holistic Pain Remedies Instead

#1 – Epsom Salt Bath

I love me some epsom salts. This mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate can help reduce inflammation, which is a key component in helping back spasms calm down. A key part to allowing our bodies to recover is to get our bodies and minds relaxed. Taking a few minutes out of the day to totally disconnect and soak is a great way to relax, both mentally and physically.

Here’s how to make your bath time the ultimate experience for relaxation and recovery:

  1. Run your bath water as hot as you can stand it.
  2. Add 2 cups of epsom salts. Epsom salt is a pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate.
  3. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Using essential oils in your bath can help relax and calm you. I, personally, am a big fan of lavender but other essential oils, like arnica and peppermint, are great for helping with muscle soreness. Adding some drops of essential oils, like lavender, can help relax you by calming the parasympathetic nervous system, increasing blood circulation and reducing stress. Plus, your bath will smell so lovely!
  4. Soak for 12-15 minutes which will allow your skin to absorb depleted magnesium levels from strenuous training. Epsom salt also helps reduce inflammation, which is great for athletes trying to recover quickly and effectively.

#2 – Float Tank

If the logistics of manipulating your body to sit in a bathtub are too painful with your back spasms, then try getting yourself to a Float Spa to lay in a float tank. Soaking in water with a literal ton of magnesium dumped into it, making you float like you’re in the Dead Sea, along with sensory deprivation can help a tremendous amount in relaxing the muscles to reduce spasms.
Whether you are feeling stressed out, suffering from back pain or just plain curious, flotation therapy could be a positive experience that everyone should try out at least once.

By default, the inside of the tank is pitch black and soundless, providing a complete sensory deprivation experience. (I say ‘by default’ because some places will play massage/spa-type music for you by request.) Now, floating around in a pitch black silent tank might seem like a terrifying thing for people who are claustrophobic; the tank size is designed to fit an average sized man with outstretched arms, so it’s not very big. But for the rest of us, it can actually be quite the relaxing experience.

How Floating Helps with Pain Management

In 2005, the results of a meta-analysis study showed that floating has positive effects on physiology (e.g., lower levels of cortisol, lower blood pressure), well-being, and performance [2]. The claim of the release of endorphins (or more specifically, beta-endorphins) is still up in the air. Some preliminary studies have suggested that flotation therapy can facilitate the release of beta-endorphins in the brain, which can induce a euphoria state in humans and help with pain reduction [3]. Other studies, however, have found that endorphin levels are not affected by flotation, even though subjects did experience a reduction in pain [4]. Non-scientifically speaking and from personal experience, floating literally takes all the pressure off the joints, including the back, which alleviates pain.

#3 – Castor Oil Pack

Castor Oil can help improve function of the lymphatic system by penetrating deep into the tissue. The improved circulation of the lymphatic system means that it can better clean out toxins and decrease adhesions that your body is dealing with, particularly in the area of your spasm. Placing a castor oil pack, coupled with heat, on the affected area can help improve circulation, clean out toxins and improve range of motion by creating some movement in the tissue.

Here is how you can create your own castor oil pack:

  1. Place a good amount of Cold Pressed Castor Oil (¼-½ cup) on a 100% cotton or wool cloth
  2. Place the cotton or wool saturated cloth on the affected area
  3. Use plastic wrap to secure the cloth on the desired area, then wrap around your body so it stays in position
  4. Place a towel on top of the plastic wrap (this protects the plastic wrap from melting)
  5. Apply a heat source (heating pad or hot water bottle) on top of the cloth
  6. Lay in a relaxed position for 45-60 minutes

Still Looking for Pill Assistance? Try Some Supplements First!

Our resident supplement guru, Coach Calvin Sun, recommends these three supplements, in combination, to address joint and inflammatory pain.


Curcumin is a compound typically found in turmeric. Research has found curcumin to be a potent anti-inflammatory as well as have antioxidant properties [1]. Curcumin by itself tends to have poor bioavailability so it’s best to pick a curcumin supplement that includes piperine to increase absorption or, for even better results, a phytosome form of curcumin such as Meriva. One study found that a 2-gram dose of Meriva had comparable pain relieving effects as a 1-gram dose of acetaminophen without the concern of liver toxicity [2]. I recommend Thorne Research’s Meriva capsules.

Directions: Take 1-2 capsules (500-1000 mg), twice per day with a meal that contains fat if possible.

Fish Oil

Numerous studies have found that supplementing with fish oil produces a variety of health benefits including reduced inflammation, improved blood lipid profiles, cardiovascular disease prevention, and even improved cognitive function. In terms of joint health, research has found that fish oil can help reduce joint pain in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis [3].

Directions: Take 1-2 capsules with your curcumin and possibly a second dose of 1-2 capsules with another meal that contains fat.

Hydrolyzed Collagen

Collagen is a special type of protein that is composed mostly of the amino acids glycine and proline. It’s the same protein that makes up your connective tissue structures, like your tendons and ligaments. It’s also the same protein responsible for the health benefits of bone broth. One peer-reviewed study actually found that collagen is so effective in reducing joint pain and assisting with structural repair that even patients with osteoarthritis saw an improvement in their joint health and a reduction in their pain [4,5]. Another study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that 80% of ingested hydrolyzed collagen protein ends up in connective tissue structures such as cartilage, tendons, and ligaments [6].

Directions: Take 1-2 tablespoons (about 5-10 grams) in your post-workout shake, mixed in your morning tea/coffee, or before bed.

These above remedies are meant to help ease the discomfort of back spasms. It is important that anyone dealing with back pain work with a professional to find the root cause of their back spasms. If back spasms persist then please seek out your doctor of physical therapist for a more thorough medical diagnosis.

[1] Suedfeld, P.; Turner, J.W.; Fine, T.H. (1990) Hormonal Changes Associated with Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy;
[2] Dirk van Dierendonck & Jan Te Nijenhuis (2005) Flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) as a stress-management tool: A meta-analysis;
[3] Effects of flotation therapy on relaxation and mental state; (2007) Chinese Medical Journal;
[4]Greene, J. Cost-conscious prescribing of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for adults with arthritis. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1992; 152:1995-2002
[5] The experience of flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique: Consciousness, Creativity, Subjective Stress and Pain;

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