June 7, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Recovery Day A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose…

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June 6, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets): Press in Receiving Position x 5 reps Followed by… Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4…

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June 5, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets): Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch x 1 rep *Sets 1-3 @ 70% of 1-RM Power…

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June 4, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets): Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps Built over the course of the 4 sets.…

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June 3, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Recovery Day A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose…

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June 2, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets): (Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk) x 2 reps *Sets 1-3 @ 65%…

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June 1, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets): Snatch Push Press + 3 Overhead Squats (Place the bar on your back with your snatch grip.…

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May 31, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Recovery Day A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose…

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May 30, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets): Press in Split Jerk Position x 5 reps Aim for 3 heavy working sets. B. Every…

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May 29, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. In 15 minutes, build to a 3-RM Muscle Snatch Followed by… Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets): Muscle Snatch x 3 reps…

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May 28, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets): Snatch Press from Receiving x 5 reps @ 2111 Built over the course of the 5…

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May 26 & 27, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Recovery Day A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose…

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May 25, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Competition Day! This training cycle has been peaking for this day. For those of you who are not competing at a competition today: Today is…

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May 24, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

Recovery Day A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose…

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May 23, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

A. Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): Snatch Press in Receiving Position x 3 reps Followed by… Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes…

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