Tips for Deadlift Cycling & Hand Placement While Upside-Down in 18.4

Deadlift Technique for Fast and Light Cycling
Video by Hunter Britt

In this video, Invictus Athlete Coach, Hunter Britt, demonstrates and discusses the proper set-up, finish and hip movement for deadlift cycling as well as positions to avoid so that you remain strong and protect your spine.

If you are interested in the next 8-Week Strength Cycle with Hunter, click here to learn more.


The 3 Most Important Hand Positions for Successful Handstand Work
Video by Travis Ewart

Static handstands, handstand push-ups and handstand walking may all have a handstand in common, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are supposed to be performed the same way. Hand positions during handstands can make or break the movement as the job of the hands differ for each application. Please take a look at the video we have put together for you, and hopefully it will shed some light on the most typically overlooked piece of the handstand. This video is brought to you by Invictus Gymnastics, our online solution to deficiencies in gymnastics for CrossFit.

Need more help than just hand placements? Click here to be routed to our Invictus Gymnastics sign-up page. If you are not sure you’re ready to sign-up and would like a sample day of gymnastics or would like to ask some specific questions, email and get answers!

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