The Pulley System


The Pulley System
Written by Bryan Miller

Although it might be looked down upon by some, the pulley system has many uses if your goal is to put on more muscle mass and bring up any weak areas through isolation work. I do prefer cable work to band work because you get a consistent load throughout the range of motion. Whereas with bands, you overload the end range but get almost no tension at the beginning of the movement.

Since everyone is built differently, the big lifts will put emphasis on some muscles more than others, which will eventually expose weak areas. For some, the triceps might be lagging behind or maybe the lateral/rear delts need more work to improve the main lifts. Cable work is by no means an end all means of training but it is a great work to get extra work on lagging muscle groups that many people have written off.

Here are a few pictures that will help you build your cable machine.





Remember, train the big lifts hard and bring up any weak areas with accessory work; cable work is just one of the tools that you have to work with. And in honor or the new Star Wars trailer….may the pump be with you!

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December 18, 2014 1:02 pm

Where did you guys get the pulley? I’ve been searching online and couldn’t find one.

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