The Invictus Veterans: Val Voboril and Josh Bridges!


The Invictus Veterans: Val Voboril and Josh Bridges!
Interviews by Nichole DeHart

The Incredible Val Voboril

Val Voboril. There are not enough words I could use to describe the incredibleness of this woman. She is a full-time wife, mother, and teacher and is one of the most accomplished athletes in the CrossFit world. She is definitely no stranger to the CrossFit Games; this will be here fifth time competing as an individual at the Games (she had to sit out one year when she had her baby), she took third place on the podium at last year’s 2013 CrossFit Games and with each year, she just gets stronger and stronger. She is a super woman as she balances her career as an elementary school teacher, being a wonderful wife and an incredible mother all while training for the Games. Val is a woman who keeps her priorities in order, which has helped facilitate her continued success. She swept the 2014 CrossFit SoCal Regional looking fresh in every event, crushing Events 4 and 7 and staying consistent in all of the others. She is one of the most well rounded athletes I have had the privilege of meeting. Keep your eyes on this one as she will be smiling her way through every event at Games!

Nichole: How did you become a part of the Sea of Green?

Val: I met Michele Vieux in 2009 at the Qualifier and we trained together with the SoCal 6, then SoCal 7 until the CrossFit Games at the Ranch. She was my first taste of the Sea of Green, and I was hooked by her unconditional love, support, and amazing cooking skills!

Nichole: What was your athletic background before CrossFit?

Val: I always enjoyed fitness and did a range of activities recreationally (gymnastics, mountain biking, Krav Maga, aerial fabric, sprint triathlons, 5 & 10k’s).

Nichole: This is not your first time to the CrossFit Games; how many times have you competed at Games and what have you placed?

2009 Games – 44th place (had heat exhaustion)

2010 Games – 3rd

2012 Games – 5th

2013 Games – 3rd

Nichole: How has being a part of the Sea of Green helped you in competition?

Val: They provide complete and total support from mental to physical restoration, provide healthy and nutritious food, and are an incredible family of love, support and encouragement. There is no negativity to be found. From the programming that prepares me mentally and physically, to the opportunities to train with other top level athletes to the on-site words of wisdom and advice at “showtime,” I can’t describe it other than it is the total package.

Nichole: What workout would you be so happy to see at the CrossFit Games?

Val: Something with cartwheels, ha!

Nichole: How do you mentally prepare yourself for competition?

Val: Somebody really insightful once told me that we are given very few moments in our life that we need to embrace and enjoy, so I try to prepare by keeping myself open to all the wonderful possibilities of me expressing myself to my fullest potential and being the best me I can be.

Nichole: What is one tip you would give to someone who is looking to be a more competitive crossFitter?

Val: Know your “why”. Your why can remind you and motivate you on those really tough days. If it doesn’t, then perhaps you need a better/different why.

Nichole: How has becoming an Invicti helped you improve inside the gym and outside the gym?

Val: “Full effort is full victory” – I am reminded of this mentality and embrace it fully.

Nichole: If you were to be one animal, what animal would it be and why?

Val: A lion – they are go getters with a strong sense of self who are also family oriented.

Nichole: You are a grade school teacher; are your students excited to cheer you on at Games?

Val: Absolutely! Although I don’t talk about it too much since the tickets are so expensive. 🙂



Josh Bridges

Mr. Josh Bridges. You all should be very familiar with Josh. He has been an Invictus athlete since the day our doors opened in 2009. He is one of the most hard working athletes you will ever meet. He came back from a very extensive knee surgery two years ago to claim a top 10 finish at the 2013 CrossFit Games and will be a favorite for a podium win this year. Get to know a little more about Josh through our interview below!

Nichole: How did you become a part of the Sea of Green?

Josh: I met CJ in 2007 and we’ve been friends ever since. Once he opened up Invictus, I immediately started training there. I am proud to say I was at the opening workout at Invictus!

Nichole: What was your athletic background before CrossFit?

Josh: I grew up playing every sport. I wrestled in high school and college. I also played baseball, soccer, rugby and did cross-country. I just played all types of sports growing up.

Nichole: This isn’t your first CrossFit Games. How many times have you competed at the Games and what were your finishes?

Josh: Due to work obligations, I wasn’t able to compete prior to 2011. In 2011, I finished in 2nd at the CrossFit Games. I had to forgo the 2012 Games because of knee surgery. I qualified for the 2013 CrossFit Games and took 7th place.

Nichole: How has being a part of the Sea of Green helped you compete?

Josh: The Sea of Green is a tremendous help in a lot of different aspects for me. First, when you are down there alone on the floor, you look up and have the crowd – they never let you feel alone. Then there is the behind the scenes components. From Pops and Karen prepping all my food, to meeting Heidi Fearon (the healer) and all that she has done for me and obviously CJ, the Captain of the ship, who is always there for me!

Nichole: What workout would you be so happy to see at the CrossFit Games?

Josh: All of them!

Nichole: How do you mentally prepare yourself for competition?

Josh: I just try to stay positive and know when it comes down to it, you just have to go out and do whatever it is you have been training for.

Nichole: What is one tip you would give to someone who is looking to become a more competitive CrossFitter?

Josh: Be willing to sacrifice for your dreams!

Nichole: How has becoming an Invicti helped you improve inside the gym and outside the gym?

Josh: Being around people daily that want to be better at every aspect of their lives has a good way of rubbing off on you.


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