The Honey Badger: Jacob Heppner


The Honey Badger: Jacob Heppner
Interview by Nichole DeHart

You may have heard the name “Jacob Heppner” announced repeatedly during the North Central Regional as Jacob and two other athletes battled it out for the top three podium spots all weekend long. It was a close race up to the last event, and Jacob came out with a solid 2nd place at Regionals, earning himself his first trip to the CrossFit Games! Jacob was not banking on making it to Games this year; in fact, he and his fiancé are getting married a week before the big CrossFit Games weekend. So now that he has qualified, it makes planning the wedding a little more interesting. Get to know a little more about Jacob as he answers a few questions for his fellow Invicti.

Nichole: How did you become a part of the Sea of Green?

Jacob: I started following CJ’s programming after I qualified to compete at the North Central Regional after the Open. I found it was very mentally challenging and it attacked everything evenly.

Nichole: What was your athletic background before CrossFit?

JacobCollegiate Football at Central Methodist University; I was a Strong Safety/Outside Linebacker.

Nichole: This is your first time competing at the CrossFit Games; what are you most looking forward to?

JacobMeeting so many folks! I love having the ability to make new friends from all over the globe and the camaraderie that surrounds the Games makes it great.

Nichole: How has being a part of the Sea of Green helped you compete?

JacobThe programming has definitely helped. I started the programming after the (2014) Open challenged me in ways I wasn’t used to. An example: Every 12 minutes: Row 2k and 150 Double Unders. Workouts like this, with such long duration, were mentally challenging to me and pushed me in ways I didn’t think I needed.

Nichole: What workout would you be so happy to see at the CrossFit Games?

JacobI would love to see some long handstand walks and every time you fall down, you do some number of pistols. Or a long rucksack run.

Nichole: How do you mentally prepare yourself for competition?

JacobI find that I compete best when I am relaxed. Therefore, I find myself making jokes, singing songs, and doing anything that will relax my nerves.

Nichole: What is one tip you would give to someone who is looking to become a more competitive CrossFitter?

JacobRest Days – take them seriously! When I first started, I thought “more was better.” So rest days were non-existent. Seven days a week, I was in a gym tearing up my body. Someone finally talked some sense in me and now I avoid any and all physical activity on my rest day. Stairs – no way! Escalator and elevator – yes please!

Nichole: If you were to be one animal, what animal would it be and why?

JacobMost definitely the Honey Badger! He just really doesn’t care. He is small but he is a fighter. I will never be the biggest guy in the arena, but I will for sure put forth my best effort!

Nichole: You are also getting married right after Games; did you plan it this way for a reason?

JacobI actually get married right before the Games on July 19th. Honestly, we didn’t plan it this way. I had no intentions of qualifying for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games but here I am. Luckily, we didn’t plan it on the same weekend!

Nichole: Where are you getting married and where is the honeymoon?

JacobI’m getting married at a small winery in Kansas City, MO. The honeymoon is a secret! But as a hint, it is an island. We will immediately depart for the honeymoon on the Monday after the Games.

Nichole: Any other inspirational words?

Jacob: Yes, my favorite Bible verse,Hebrews 12:1-2. It speaks to me in terms of reminding us how many people are watching us and always to give the glory to God as He is our goal.


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Maria Angelique
Maria Angelique
July 22, 2014 8:19 am

Wohoo! Go Jacob! I saw his train a few times and he is a monster! Good luck!

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