The Evolution of Andy Valencia

The Evolution of Andy Valencia
Written by Nuno Costa

I’d like to start off by sharing some of the incredible results and body composition changes that Andy has seen since he started training with us in January of this year. Andy reached out to me about training and losing 20+ pounds after his annual ski trip. Below are the dexa scan results and you can the incredible results he’s seen. He started at around 205 pounds and is now consistently at 175. A big reason for his progress has been his dedication to meal preparation. Every week he weighs and measures his food and you can see by the pictures above what that looks like.

He’s also the prime example of consistency – he’s been training in the gym or at the track at least 5 days every week since we started. Losing weight does not have to be hard, it takes some discipline and hard work. If you are ready to transform your body and are willing to make some changes I would love to help you do so.

Here’s a little more insight on what Andy and his success. Follow him on social media – instagram and facebook to see his weekly food prep!

1. When did you start training at Invictus?

January 2017

2. What prompted it?

After years of powerlifting, explosive dynamic training, isometric training and high volume training, I wanted to try something new which incorporated elements from my weightlifting experience.

3. What was your goal?

My goal is to be at 175 lbs with 10-12% body fat, snatch my body weight, and develop a foundation for gymnastic movements.

4. What have you done to get to where you are?

I started weightlifting at 19, and since, I’ve trained with many adept professionals who have built, improved upon, and reinforced the lifestyle needed to see results.

5. What drives you?

I love training, living the lifestyle, and improving my skills which makes me eager to succeed.

6. What would you tell someone who’s having a hard time starting or doing the things it takes to get results?

Take everything in stride and don’t get overwhelmed by your goals. Commit to one day at a time and stay focused on what you want to achieve.

7. Are you where you want to be, or do you still have more to go?

There will always be room for improvement.

8. What would you tell someone if they were too busy to meal prep and such?

There are ways to meal prep without it being too time consuming. Break it up into two days – cook on day one, weigh and measure on day two. This is what I do and it makes the process easy.

9. What does your week of training look like?

I train 7 days a week; five are in the gym, one day on the track, and on my active rest day I do an hour of hot vinyasa.

10. What do you do outside the gym that supports your goals?

I live a lifestyle that reinforces everything I do in the gym – from meal prepping, supplementing, recovering, timing my meals, to not drinking.

11. What’s your favorite cheat meal?

My favorite cheat meal would have to be Mexican with ice cream for dessert.

12. If you weren’t doing this – what would you do?

If I weren’t doing CrossFit I would do more strength and conditioning with a day of endurance in the pool.

Also Check Out…

How To Interpret Your Body Fat Test

How Fish Oil Can Help You Lose Fat

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September 25, 2017 7:28 am

Nice article…link to Andy’s Instagram or Facebook would be nice for those wanting more info!

September 25, 2017 12:34 pm
Reply to  Nuno Costa

you rock! Thanks!

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