Strength Is The Price: New Invictus Athlete Cycle

Coach Nuno lifting a heavy weight because he knows strength is the price!

Strength Is The Price: New Invictus Athlete Cycle
Written by Holden Rethwill

Strength Is The Price

The Invictus Athlete Program is kicking off its last cycle of the 2024 calendar and 3rd off-season cycle, Strength is the Price. This cycle will begin on October 28th and will focus primarily on building strength and gymnastics capacity for the upcoming season along with improving your engine through a multitude of time domains and modalities – think of this like a true strength and conditioning cycle with a healthy amount of “CrossFit” to keep things fun. This cycle will take you through the end of the year and is strategically designed to include transition weeks during the upcoming holiday season. 

Points of Emphasis

The main emphasis of this cycle will be building strength through multiple methods. We will focus a lot on Olympic Lifting (snatches, cleans, jerks) and building both lower and upper body strength through our supplemental lifts. You will see a combination of positional work in the Olympic lifts as well as a combination of both heavy and hypertrophy style lifting in our traditional “powerlifting” style movements. The goal is to build both strength and confidence in multiple lifts as we prep for the 2025 season. 

What about gymnastics?

Our secondary emphasis during this cycle will be to improve gymnastics capacity. We will do so by providing multiple opportunities each week in both primary and secondary sessions. The goal is to make sure that you’re not only improving on your current skill level but increasing your ability to advance even further with higher skills or higher volume capabilities.

Did you forget the engine?

Don’t worry, we didn’t forget that a huge part of CrossFit is conditioning! This cycle will include carefully crafted conditioning pieces to have you feeling like your lungs are firing on all cylinders! Between the daily “CrossFit” stimulus in the primary session as well as the mixed modality conditioning work during the additional sessions, we feel confident that you’ll be feeling your fittest yet!

Weekly Primary Session Template

To better plan for this upcoming cycle, here is a general layout of your primary sessions:

Primary Session schedule

Weekly Additional Session Template

  • Monday: Plyometrics + Gymnastics Skills (alternate pulling and pushing) + Strength Accessory + Row/Ski Progressions
  • Tuesday: Power Output + Strength Accessory + Longer Duration Mixed Modal Machine Based Conditioning + Zone 2 with Skills
  • Wednesday: Plyometrics + Single Leg Accessory + Bike Progressions + Grip
  • Friday: Strength Accessory + Gymnastics Skill EMOM + Rope Climb Skills + Short Duration Mixed Modal Machine Based Conditioning + Pure Zone 2
  • Saturday: Core and Pump + Grip + Machine Based Conditioning + Running

Don’t Miss The Cycle: Join Invictus Athlete

If you aren’t part of the Invictus Athlete Program then join now to become your fittest self yet!

Strength Is The Price Invictus Athlete cycle

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October 31, 2024 12:06 am

Yeah, you are right strength is the best price. We need to be more strengthen to reach the goal.

October 26, 2024 8:47 am


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