Staying Relaxed and Having Fun: Regan Huckaby


Staying Relaxed and Having Fun: Regan Huckaby
Interview by Nichole DeHart

Regan Huckaby hails from the beautiful Pacific Northwest region. This is her first time competing at the CrossFit Games, but I have no doubt this won’t be her last! Read on to learn a little more about your Oregonian Invicti!

Nichole: How did you become a part of the Sea of Green?

Regan: I attend CrossFit Hood River and Invictus has been doing our group programming for the past couple of years. About a year ago I started to follow the Invictus Competition Programming and I had heard nothing but amazing things about CJ Martin and his staff. Invictus had gotten me where I am today, so it was a no brainer to pick CJ as my coach.

Nichole: What was your athletic background before CrossFit?

Regan: I had played competitive soccer until I was 18. I also did track and soccer in high school.

Nichole: This is your first time competing at the CrossFit Games; what are you most looking forward to?

Regan: The experience and having the opportunity to compete with some of the fittest women in the world.

Nichole: How has being a part of the Sea of Green helped you compete?

Regan: Even though I have not met many of the Sea of Green and they have not met me, I know they are always behind their athletes 100%. When you have a supportive community like that, it pushes you mentally and physically.

Nichole: What workout would you be so happy to see at the CrossFit Games?

Regan: Anything that involves the posterior chain. I love me some squats! 🙂

Nichole: How do you mentally prepare yourself for competition?

Regan: Stay relaxed, smile and have fun. My kids usually come to mind and they keep me calm.

Nichole: What is one tip you would give to someone who is looking to become a more competitive CrossFitter?

Regan: Work hard, play hard. Training can get very serious so don’t forget to have fun.

Nichole: How has becoming an Invicti helped you improve inside the gym and outside the gym?

Regan: CrossFit and being a mom have something in common: they both require constant effort. Full Effort is Full Victory. Becoming an Invicti has made me mentally and physically stronger when it comes to CrossFit and being a mom or anything that involves my personal life.

Nichole: If you were to be one animal, what animal would it be and why?

Regan: Hmmmm, hard question. Probably a baboon. Baboons are social, hard working, friendly and family oriented. I AM A TOTAL GOOF.

Nichole: You have kids Regan! How many kids do they have and how excited are they to watch you compete?

Regan: I have two kiddos. An almost 5 year old boy and 2 year old girl. My son tells me he only wants to watch if I win, hahahaha! So he better not watch.


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Gary Stallings
Gary Stallings
July 20, 2014 6:37 pm

Good Luck Regan!! We’ll be cheering you on from home!!

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