Snatch Liftoff Drill: Practice Perfect Position

Consistency off the floor in the snatch is important whether you are practicing technique, going heavy or cycling. Being off just a hair can send your barbell out and away in the wrong direction or cause you be out of your ideal lifting position where you can generate the most power – making you exert more energy and receive less in return from your efforts.

Snatch Drill to Prepare You for the CrossFit Open

Video by Ricky Moore

The Open is just around the corner and we bet our bottom dollar that we will see snatches of some sort – whether they be in a 1RM ladder or as a part of a barbell cycling workout. In Olympic lifting, technique is everything. So whether you’re going for a new 1RM or for speed, check out what Coach Lil’ Ricky Moore has to say about the Snatch Liftoff Drill, why he loves to use it with his athletes, and what to look for to make sure yours is perfect so that you can crush your Open workout with ease.

More Snatch Technique Drills

The liftoff is highly important to successful snatching but there are many other technique drills you might consider based on where you think your weaknesses lie. Here are some other articles to check out – each talks about a different important piece of the snatch and how to practice the technique to improve your lift.

The Beginner’s Guide to Snatching is a great place to start if you are very new to Olympic weightlifting and want to learn about what the basic positions are first before deciding on what your weaknesses are.

The Proper Starting Position For Olympic Weightlifting is an article you might want to check out if you think the liftoff is one of your issues. The start position should be the same every time before you start your liftoff – this article tells you how to find your position.

Barbell Cycling Strategies: Ground to Overhead contains a detailed description of best strategies for getting a barbell from the floor to over your head as quickly as possible (AQAP). Typically, if your strength and technique allow, snatching is the fastest way to do this.

How To Overcome The Mental Aspect Of Weightlifting Do you get psyched out when attempting a new PR? What if the PR weight “feels” heavy & slow? How we think determines how we behave. This article takes a look at how you can improve your mental game when going after a big lift!

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