Sit All Day? Try This Before Your Workout

Sit All Day? Try This Before Your Workout
Video by Nick Hawkes

Does your job require you to sit most of the day? If so, you are just like the vast majority of my clients, who are busy, don’t have a ton of time to mess around in the gym, but need to stay strong and healthy. The video above demonstrates a great and efficient way to activate your backside, and open up your hips that are chronically shortened from sitting. Give it 3-4 minutes before your workout and you’ll see good benefits.

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Edward Becker
Edward Becker
May 13, 2019 8:54 pm

Hi Nick,
When you say activate your glute…? I find that the glute on the same side as the leg pushing on its toe, (i.e. the front leg’s glute) is activated, or activates easy, but to activate the other glute is quite challenging for me. Which one do you want active? Or both?

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