Nutrition Considerations for CrossFit and Power Athletes
Written by Charissa Sutliff I want to share a few things that I invite people to consider and
Where are You Coming in At?
Written by TJ O’Brien Recently Richard Aceves of Strongfit, a strongman-influenced, but oh-so-much-more training program started by Julien Pineau,
Reflection is Valuable
Written by Ricky Moore Wow. It’s been 6 full months of 2021 and so much has happened and been accomplished. So much
Q&A: Why Should I know my Maximum Heart Rate?
Q&A: Why Should I know my Maximum Heart Rate? Written by Holden Rethwill We received this question from one of our online followers recently and
How to be More Athletic
Written by Lalo Torres You might have heard your coach *lovingly* yell at you to “BE MORE ATHLETIC.” Okayyyyy… but
Exploring the Edges of Your Capacity
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt Today we’re discussing the importance of or as I
Learning from a Bar Muscle-Up Attempt Video Analysis by Travis Ewart Recently a member of the Invictus Gymnastics Program posted a video of her
Is Your Time at the Gym Filled with Intention or Mindless Work?
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt Overheard in a recent yoga session… Yoga Instructor: Ask
3 Common Mistakes in the Jerk
Video by Jared Enderton From your strong rack position, it is time to jerk the barbell overhead. Working proper
Vitamin C & Fat Loss
Vitamin C & Fat Loss Written by Fritz Nugent How many of you wish that you had less body fat? Ok, a ton of hands
How to Utilize Your Brain’s Natural Chemicals as Motivation to Workout
Written by Lalo Torres You know that feel-good feeling you get after a sweaty
Thoughts on “Cheat” Meals
Written by Fritz Nugent I have something super-serious to talk about today: cheat meals. And what’s everyone’s favorite cheat meal?! I
Why Deload Week Should be the Best Week
Written by Ricky Moore Most of us who are into Olympic lifting love it for a few
What is Difficult-Difficult and Difficult-Easy?
Written by Charissa Sutliff Most of us in the fitness community – especially here at Invictus – likely enjoy challenging
Math and Growth: The Training Sweet Spot!
Written by Fritz Nugent I have some firefighters that I’ve been training for years. One of them texted