Midsummer Weeknight Meal Recipe


Midsummer Weeknight Meal Recipe
Written by Michele Vieux

It’s that time of year where you don’t want to turn on an oven to have a hot meal. But no worries – you don’t have to with this grillrific idea!

There is no reason you can’t turn your grill into a stovetop or an oven. In today’s recipe, we will be using it as a stovetop to cook up some rainbow chard with grilled pork chop in a midsummer weeknight meal recipe.

Grilled Chop & Chard Recipe (serves one)


1 pork chop (don’t be afraid to go with the tasty, bone-in variety)

1 bunch Swiss or rainbow chard, washed and broken off stems

½ onion, sliced

1-2 tablespoons Dry Rub (your favorite kind)

1-2 tablespoons bacon grease (or whatever kind of high-heat oil you like)

Directions (for gas grill)

Light grill and heat to high. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil (one that you don’t mind putting on the grill) and drop the bacon grease around in a couple of dollops. Spread sliced onions over the baking sheet and put the whole thing on the grill, turning the heat under the sheet to medium. Coat the pork chop in your favorite dry rub seasoning and place on the grill on high heat. Cover the grill and walk away for 5-7 minutes. At that point, use tongs to lift only a corner of the chop to check for a slight char on the rub. If that has occurred, flip the chop. If it has not, let them sit for another minute or so before flipping. Once you have flipped, it is time to stir the onion and add the chard. Just throw it right onto the pan and gently move it around. Close the lid again for another 2-3 minutes. At this point, the pork chop should be perfectly cooked and the chard just wilted but not mushy. Use your tongs to remove both items to a plate and you have the perfect meal for a midsummer weeknight!


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