Invictus Masters New Cycle: Mastering The Basics

Invictus Masters athlete about to take on a workout

Invictus Masters New Cycle: Mastering The Basics
Written by Nichole Kribs

Mastering The Basics

The Invictus Masters Program is kicking off its last cycle of 2024, Master’s Mastering the Basics, starting on October 28th. This cycle will focus on improving mobility and gymnastics. This cycle will take you through the new year with strategically designed transition weeks during the upcoming holidays. 

Points of Emphasis

A big emphasis of this cycle will be on mastering the basics of pull-ups, emphasizing hollow body position and structural pulling, and will build to bar muscle-ups and ring pull-ups. Another gymnastic focus will be on improving the inverted position, starting with static handstand holds, building into strict handstand push ups and finishing the cycle with handstand walking. You’ll also have single leg progressions that will progress from dumbbell step ups to rocking out with pistols. 

The mobility focus will be particularly on improving the position for snatching. You won’t be loading as much on your snatches this cycle but will, instead, be working on strengthening your snatch position through snatch balances and narrow grip overhead squat progressions.  

Any Lifting?

Yes, you’ll still be getting strong on this cycle. Back squat, front squat, deadlifts and strict presses are all on the menu. There will also be strength accessory sets to help build strength and keep the tendons happy with lighter loads but more emphasis put on time under tension. 

Weekly Template

To better plan for this upcoming cycle, here is a general layout of your sessions:

Mastering the Basics Cycle Schedule

Don’t Miss the Cycle: Join Invictus Masters

If you aren’t part of the Invictus Masters Program then join now to master those basics before the end of the year!

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