Honoring Two Invictus Masters Athlete Legends

Honoring Two Invictus Masters Athlete Legends
Written by Nichole Kribs

It’s that time of year! The CrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifiers is upon us and we are so excited for the events in store for our Master athletes! With the weekend event in full swing, we talk to two amazing athletes who have faced multiple Qualifier weekends; Cheryl Brost and Kevin Koester. To honor these two Masters Legends, we also created a special t-shirt design for each of them – be sure to stop by our online store to score a “Kevin” or “Cheryl” for yourself!

These two incredible athletes have made a name for themselves in CrossFit. Kevin has been to the CrossFit Games twice and both times he took 1st place in his age division (50-54). You can read a little more about Kevin’s background by going here. Cheryl Brost has been a CrossFit household name for years. She competed as an individual athlete at Games for 3 years until moving into the Masters division. She has a stunning 10 years of qualifying for the CrossFit Games under her belt. You can read more about Cheryl’s background by going here

Both Cheryl and Kevin kindly share their insight on how they mentally prepare for competition as well as how they’ve stayed motivated while competing at the highest stage in CrossFit. 

Starting today, you can order the NEW Invictus Masters t-shirts that feature Kevin or Cheryl on them! In addition, $5 of every t-shirt sale will be going to the charity of their choice (see below). 

How do you mentally prepare for competition? 

Cheryl: Heading into competition, I focus on the controllables…how I prepared myself in training, how I care for my body, how I fuel my body, proper sleep, etc. By knowing that I’ve taken care of the controllables, it gives me the confidence in knowing I have done all I can to prepare myself for what lies ahead. It allows me to relax and enjoy the experience.  

Kevin: I am definitely an introvert before I compete. I think about movement efficiencies and transitions. I think about the stimulus of the work out and how I need to break up or pace. I go over and over these things until I put together the perfect workout in my head. I don’t think about what it will feel like, I trust I have put in the work to succeed. I win every event in my mind!

Nichole: What great lessons for athletes here; control the controllables and visualize! There is so much power in visualization and in knowing you’ve prepared yourself to the best of your ability leading up to a competition. If you only start working on your nutrition, hydration or recovery just days before a competition then are you really setting yourself up for success? Well if you are over the age of 22 then probably not! Create a habit of taking care of your body, in visualizing yourself competing in an event and trust in the preparation you’ve done to get you to this point. 

What motivates you to continue to compete?

Cheryl: I enjoy the drive. I enjoy working towards a goal, I enjoy challenging myself to see what I am capable of. I enjoy the camaraderie and competitive spirit it brings out in all the athletes I enjoy inspiring others to continue to seek out their best self.

Kevin: It’s an opportunity to inspire people. Maybe I can help make positive changes in someone’s life.

Nichole: Take notice of how both athletes share the same motivation to compete; inspiring others. This is something that can’t be measured, like the placement on a leaderboard. Instead, this desire to inspire others has far reaching results and is an intrinsic motivator. This type of purpose-driven athlete will generally experience greater satisfaction and happiness with their achievements compared to an ego-driven athlete, whose satisfaction and happiness depends on results. 

What are your keys to longevity in this sport?

Cheryl: Well physically speaking, I have certainly had my fair share of injuries in sport, and not only in CrossFit; it just comes with the territory as an athlete. I have found it’s important to take care of those injuries and listen to your body. One thing that is so great about CrossFit is there is always something you can work on, even while rehabilitating or recovering from an injury. Another important aspect which has contributed to my longevity in CrossFit is the pure joy I get out of it. As in anything in life, it’s always best if you really enjoy what you do!

Kevin: Mobility work! I spend as much time on mobility as I do working out. Recovery is also key. I focus on sleep, diet and good supplements that help minimize inflammation. I want to be ready to go the day after a tough WOD.

Nichole: This is a great lesson for anyone looking to compete long term, or just feel good after a long day of training. You can add volume upon volume but that won’t help your longevity or, even, success, in this sport. The athlete who recovers the best is generally the athlete that succeeds the most in training. That may mean spending a ton of time on mobility, like Kevin mentions, or adjusting the program/volume to let a niggling injury heal. Mobilizing and recovery is key if you want to continue to develop in progress in any sport! 

What would be a perfect Age Group Online Qualifier event for you? 

Cheryl: Hmmmmm…perhaps something with handstand walks, GHD sit-ups, hang cleans or hang snatches, burpee box jump-overs, pull-ups, bar muscle-ups, toes-to-bar, deadlifts, rope climbs, max lifts. I love sprint-style workouts. So maybe something like this:

Hang Clean 105#
GHD Sit-Ups
50′ Handstand Walk between Rounds

Kevin: I love anything with gymnastics but really the harder the better. I’d like to see something that makes everyone go “OH NO”

What is the charity you’d like to have $5 of every t-shirt sale of yours donated to and wy? 

Cheryl: I would like to donate to Child Find of America because every child deserves to thrive in a safe, healthy and legal environment. Child Find’s mission is to prevent and resolve child abduction and the family conflicts that can lead to addiction and abuse. It was founded in 1980 by the mother of a missing child when there were no laws about parental/family abduction and little response from law enforcement. They have played a significant role in the creation of laws that make all forms of child abduction a crime. Over the years, Child Find has greatly expanded the scope of services beyond location investigations to provide prevention, education and training, conflict management, mediation and information and referral support services to families. Also, Child Find has earned an A+ Rating from Charity Watch every year since 1997, and 92 cents of every dollar goes directly to their programs serving the children and families in crisis. 

Buy the Cheryl Brost Masters Legend Shirt Now!

Kevin: I would like to donate to Children’s Hospital in Seattle because Children’s Hospital has been a part of my wife and my life since we had my daughter. While we only dealt with broken bones and illnesses that were very curable we have friends that have not been so fortunate. Cancer, spinal cord tethering, etc. I have seen the pain the kids and their families go through and the amazing care that Children’s provided. For years we have tried to do our part in funding research and development to hopefully come up with cures and ease treatments. Thank you for helping us continue our mission through Invictus!

Buy the Kevin Koester Masters Legend Shirt Now!


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