Investing in Myself and Some Perspective


Investing in Myself and Some Perspective
Written by Invictus Member Mercedes Felix

I am typically not one to post these type of selfies (or any other kind really), but today I feel is warranted.

Earlier this year, I decided that I wanted to make what I thought was a small investment in MYSELF, and what a HUGE investment it turned out to be! I took my training to another level by doing semi-private training with who – in my opinion – is one EXTREMELY GIFTED coach.

Due to a lifetime of athletics, I am somewhat injury prone, and the fear of getting hurt always gets in the way of my mindset. This guy just knows how to get in my head and have me get things done when out of my comfort zone. To those that know me, it is not an easy task. Now, at almost 39 years old, my body is HEALTHY, and I love the way that my body continues to change.

To put some perspective on it, a few weeks ago, I wore some jeans from my college days. I was 130 pounds back then. Today I stand proud at 154 pounds and can wear those jeans and look much better in them!! Ignore the number on the scale…focus on your body composition.

The results that I have gained from training with @therealbrycesmith are far and beyond more that I ever expected. Every week I am both nervous and excited for what he has in store for me and seriously find myself looking forward to all the fun and “pain” that he brings to the table. So, from the bottom of my heart…THANKS COACH!!

*Editor’s Note: We are so fortunate to have had Mercedes in our community for the past few years and are ecstatic for her accomplishments which is why when we saw this post on social media, we just had to ask her for permission to share it on our blog with the rest of you. Congratulations on all of your hard work and achievements! You go girl!

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