Ready To Improve Your Gymnastics?

Coach Travis leading an Invictus Gymnastics seminar

Ready To Improve Your Gymnastics? 
Written by: Kelly Sekulovski 

Ready to improve your gymnastics? If you don’t believe us that Invictus Gymnastics is truly the real deal when it comes to teaching you all the techniques and skills to drastically improve your gymnastics, you don’t have to take our word for it. 

You can take the word of the crew at CrossFit Hijacked

CrossFit Hijacked Invictus Gymnastics Seminar 

At the Invictus Gymnastics seminar, Coach Travis was able to share just a small portion of the feedback, lessons and drills from the Invictus Gymnastics program with the members of CrossFit Hijacked. 

“Travis Ewart’s innovative approach at CrossFit Invictus has truly revolutionized gymnastics coaching within the CrossFit community,” said Chloe and Nate, the owners of CrossFit Hijacked. “His focus on unique drills and techniques, tailored specifically for CrossFit athletes, bridges the gap between traditional gymnastics and the dynamic demands of CrossFit.”

Ready to improve your gymnastics? 

Invictus Gymnastics is a program for athletes who want to improve their CrossFit gymnastics.  This is a supplemental training program you can incorporate into your regular fitness routine and includes three 20 minute sessions per week full of drills, skills and techniques for all levels. Your gymnastics skills will improve with the designated practice time and direct feedback/video analysis from Coach Travis. 

“Travis’s methods emphasize not just skill acquisition, but also the integration of gymnastics agility and strength in functional fitness,” said Chloe and Nate. “This approach has enabled athletes to enhance their overall performance, making Travis a key figure in the evolution of gymnastics coaching in the CrossFit arena.” 

Learn why thousands of athletes have turned to Invictus Gymnastics and check it out for yourself! 

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Invictus athlete Jenn Ryan performing a ring muscle-up.

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