The Importance of Posting Your Results

The Importance of Posting Your Results
Written by Nichole Kribs

Posting our training results can often be perceived as more frightening than rewarding. We have to post what we aren’t good at and what we struggle with, possibly along with other athletes who are posting amazing results (in our eyes). But approaching posting your results this way will only hinder you. Why?

Benefits of Sharing Your Results

There are numerous benefits to posting your results – many more benefits compared to not posting that are good for not just you, but everyone else who sees them.

Improved Programming for Everyone

It helps the coaches to know how you all are doing with the program. Adjustments are made to future training days if we see responses like ‘my shoulders haven’t recovered’ or ‘my glutes are still so sore from those lunges’. It also helps to see if the program is working for the group as a whole. If there aren’t any results to look over then we won’t know how well the program is working.

Community Building

Posting your results helps build up the community. Every post you make gives encouragement to someone else to post their results. Then, commenting on others posts with encouraging words or feedback continues to make our community even stronger and builds the morale. It’s amazing how many friendships have been made over the years through people posting their results. Even if we haven’t met some of those friends in real life, powerful relationships and bonds can still be formed.

Coaching Feedback for Improvement

Receiving feedback from the coaches or fellow athletes helps you become better and you’ll only receive feedback if you post your results. Not only will you get cues and strategy from your coaches, you are able to see how other athletes have attacked a workout and any tips they have to make it easier.

Staying on Track With Your Goals

One of the best ways to stay on track to accomplishing your goals is to write them down! This includes sharing your goals – and also your progress towards them – with your support network (i.e. the rest of the followers in your programming track)! Besides the accountability it provides, you will receive helpful tips and props throughout your journey to keep you moving forward.

Creating a Positive Mindset

Sometimes we can’t help but look at the rest of those PRs on the whiteboard and say to ourselves, “Wow…that was nothing compared to (insert name here).” Instead of being happy with our success, we immediately compare ourselves to others. This is a self-destructive mindset and it will cripple you as an athlete. Instead, compare your results to your previous efforts and how much you’ve improved. Or pat yourself on the back for doing something for the first time, or without resting, or with improved technique!

So, please post NOT ONLY your workout results, strategy and other insight but also ANY ‘win’ you had that day! It helps build community and creates bonds as athletes, which are very valuable when training alone (which many of you are).

Need help mapping out your goals? You can start by downloading our FREE Goal Setting Workbook! Please reach out to one of our coaches if you need help from there!

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