The Hidden Key to Maximizing Your Potential


The Hidden Key to Maximizing Your Potential
Written by Holden Rethwill

Accessory work can be a nuisance. We all know it. For the vast majority of us, we hold off on this until after we’ve finished our session. Most likely you’ve just done some heavy lifting and/or a workout that has left your heart rate jacked up, and (in my case especially) soaked in sweat. The last thing you want to do is accessory work.

I’m here to tell you, do not neglect accessory work. Accessory movements such as hip extensions, waiter carries, split squats, good mornings, etc. are extremely important if you want to see true potential in your strength gains. They reinforce good positioning, make sure specific muscle groups are firing properly, help to work stabilizing muscles, and the list goes on.

I used to be that person that would finish my workout and call it good, shrugging off the accessory work as something I could do another time. This has been something I’ve changed this year, something I’ve put a larger emphasis on, and I’ve been starting to feel the benefits. My body has felt better, and I can feel muscle groups firing that before may not have been holding their own.

If you fall into the category of someone who shrugs off accessory work, I want you to try something new. Lead your session with some. It doesn’t have to be crazy intense, or even difficult at all, but try starting with this before you begin the bulk of your session. It can help to promote blood flow, activate specific muscle groups, and reinforce good movement and positioning.

Applying it to Your Training

(Using an example of something I may do in the morning before a snatch or clean & jerk day)

3-4 Sets for Quality:
– 20 reverse hypers (light)
– Crossover Symmetry Activation (5-8 reps)
– 50-100 foot waiter carry each arm

And at the end of my session, I may finish with something like:

3-4 Sets for Quality:
– 8-10 barbell good mornings
– 6-8 glute ham raises
– face up GHD plank hold x 45-60 seconds

Give it a shot – the hidden key to maximizing your potential is to accessorize!

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