Handstand Walking Tips for Competition

Handstand Walking Tips for Competition
Video by Ricky Moore

Handstand walking is already hard enough for most people without having it thrown into a workout for time. Here are some tips to keep you moving forward instead of falling all over the floor in 20.3.

Tips for Handstand Walking

Head position for Handstand Walking

Don’t crane your neck or try to look too far out in front of you. Instead, look 2-3 inches in front of your fingertips.

Let the Finish Line Come to You

Don’t rush to the finish line or look for it. When you are there, it will appear within your line of vision. If you reach to look or rush, you will likely fall and have to repeat that segment.

Take it One Segment at a Time

This goes for ANY workout. Only think about the portion you are on and how to make that the most efficient as possible. Don’t worry about all the other portions ahead of you. Be present and keep your focus on where you currently are.

How to Fall from a Handstand

While you’re at it, make sure you know how to properly fall. It’s amazing how much more confidence you’ll have with this movement when you know you are able to safely return to the floor if you lose your balance while upside down. Check out this video where Invictus Gymnastics Coach, Travis Ewart, demonstrates the importance of learning to properly fall out of a handstand so that you have the confidence to go for handstand holds and handstand walks and have the ability to save your inverted position all while preventing injury.

Handstands and More

Breaking Down Handstand Walks
Handstand Walk Progressions
Handstand Tip: Don’t Squeeze!



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