Getting Your First Ring Dip

Getting Your First Ring Dip
Written by Nichole DeHart-Kribs

Ever look at the workout of the day, see that ring dips are scheduled in the program, and think to yourself ‘well, today I am skipping class’? If that is the case, don’t give into that thought! Instead, read on to learn about different progressions to get you to your first ring dip.

Stationary Dips

It is advised to start with a more stable movement, like the stationary dip. You can still work through the same range of motion required in the ring dip, but without needing the strength required to control an external object, like rings. We recommend being able to complete 8-10 unassisted stationary dips before attempting a ring dip. If you do not have 8-10 unassisted dips then make it a goal to add in stationary dips, as well as accessory work, at the end of your workout. It could look something like this:

Three sets of:
Stationary Dips x
Rest 30 seconds
Piston Press-Downs x Max Reps in 30 seconds
Rest 3 minutes

Now to move onto ring dips. Ring dips are challenging for multiple reasons. The fact that the rings are not stable make the movement difficult as you need to work to stabilize the rings before even completing the dip portion. This is why we like to see all athletes first become proficient with a static hold.

Static Hold

You should be able to hold for 15-30 seconds on the rings before attempting the dip portion. If you do not have 15-30 seconds on the rings just yet, then start with assisted static holds until you are able to hold on your own. Have a training partner just slightly hold the rings at your side while you hold in a static position.

*Make sure that your hands are in a good position, with slightly externally rotated shoulders and pinkies slightly pointing to your thighs.

You can move onto the next progression once you have accomplished the designated time required for the static hold.

Tempo Ring-Dips

If you regularly follow one of the programs Invictus offers, then you know how much we love tempo training. The countless benefits we see from tempo training mean that it is incorporated into many facets of our programming. This goes for ring dips as well. Building time under tension in this movement will help athletes build the needed strength for the full range of motion for this movement. Make sure that you adhere to the tempo for both the eccentric and concentric portion of the movement. The tempo could look something like:

Ring-Dips x 3 reps @ 4111
This means that you will be lowering yourself down to a 4 second tempo, holding at the bottom position for 1 second, pressing up into a locked out position for 1 second and holding at the top for 1 second.

Here are two ways to do assisted tempo ring dips if you do not have the strength to do them unassisted:

Leg-Assisted Ring-Dips

Band-Assisted Ring-Dips

This is also something that you can add into your regular training program. The additional work could look something like:

Three-Four sets of:
Ring Dips x 3 reps @ 4111
Rest 30 seconds
Stationary Dips x 5 reps @ 2111
Rest 2 minutes

By incorporating the suggestions above, you should be well on your way to getting your first ring dip!

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