Garage Gym Equipment Recommendations

Garage Gym Equipment Recommendations
Written by Nichole Kribs

So you want to build a garage gym but aren’t sure where to begin? A quick Google search reveals that equipment recommendations range from having 1-2 pieces of equipment to having a fully decked out garage gym that would make the Lakers team training facility pale in comparison. So, what do you actually need to build out a fully functioning garage gym?

Garage Gym Equipment Recommendations

Let’s start with some essentials if you are building from the ground up in your garage and assume you already have a few things in your gym bag (resistance bands, jump rope). Here are our top 7 equipment recommendations for starting your garage gym:

Squat Rack

You will definitely want to have a squat rack in your garage gym. You will need this for all the strength gains you plan on making! There are a variety of squat racks available, from a basic stand to a stand that can accommodate all your plates. Which brings me to equipment piece #2.

Bumper Plates 

This is where things can get spendy depending on how many plates you need. If you have a flexible budget then go wild and get a variety of plates. If you are working with a more limited budget then we recommend searching Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace for used plates at a reasonable price. If your budget doesn’t allow for a full set of plates then use your resistance bands to increase your load

Pull-Up Bar

You definitely want to have a pull-up station in your garage gym. Depending on your squat rack you may already have a pull-up bar in place. If not, we highly recommend this pull-up system by Rogue. Don’t have strict pull-ups? Download this FREE guide to get you on your way!

Concept2 Rower, BikeErg, Echo or Assault Bike

This can be a big investment but having one piece of equipment that allows you to do a monostructural exercise is wildly beneficial and gives you a ton of options with training. Depending on your preference, buy any one of the suggested pieces of equipment. 

Plyo Box

A plyo box gives you a ton of versatility. Not only can you do box jumps on it but a plyo box allows you options for accessory work, handstand push-up drills, a substitution for a bench and your designated ‘rest’ station between lifts. 🙂 If you are on a limited budget then try building your own box (there are lots of how-to tutorials for this online)!


We recommend purchasing 1-2 sets of dumbbells with weight that frequently shows up in CrossFit workouts (like a set of 50 lbs dumbbells for males). Your dumbbell can also serve as a kettlebell for kettlebell swings and can be used for accessory work (we recommend 2 sets of different weights if you know you will be doing a lot of accessory work).

Medicine Ball

These can be surprisingly expensive so search around online as well as local sports stores but, ultimately, you will want one medicine ball for things like wall ball shots, weighted sit-ups, a brace for accessory work, medicine ball hamstring curls (there are lots of uses for a medicine ball when you are working out in a gym with limited equipment).

These are our recommended pieces of equipment to purchase when building your garage gym. Having these items will allow you to follow almost all training programs at home. Then you can slowly start adding more pieces to your garage gym based on what you favor in training. Here are a few of our recommended additional pieces to add to your garage gym:


Set of Rings

GHD Pad + Accessories



If you can’t purchase all the items recommended above don’t fret! Start slow and view building a garage gym as a lifetime investment. One strategy is to invest in it monthly the same amount you’d be paying for a gym membership for you and your family. Remember that you can do a lot of things with limited equipment! If you’ve already built a garage gym for yourself then please share in the comments what your #1 recommended piece of equipment would be for someone just starting out with their garage gym.

Invictus Strength Program

The next 8-Week Strength cycle begins this week! This program is for you if you’re looking to build strength – even if you don’t have ALL the “traditional” equipment! Spend eight weeks building your base lifts – the squat, bench press, overhead press, and deadlift and receive coaching from the Invictus Athlete Coach Hunter Britt.

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Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
May 19, 2022 4:44 am

I live next to a park, and I’m simply taking my 2 dumbbells (50lbs) with farmers carry down, and I’m all the sudden i have the place to do lunges, run, carry, hsw etc. It’s around 300-300 meter carry back and forth. There is a bar somewhere in the park as well, it’s a fat bar for plants, but for some reason it’s empty this year, and every now and then I’m doing there pull ups and t2b. Usually only if I’m doing my training with 1 dumbbell or bodyweight, because it’s too far to carry 2 haha It’s definitely… Read more »

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