The Many Lives of Fred “Nietzsche” Gaston

The Many Lives of Fred “Nietzsche” Gaston
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt

Fred is WISE. His spirit animal should be an owl, if it isn’t already. He, like many of you, has lived many lives which means I’m always discovering new layers to him. Former US Navy Linguist in Asia, lawyer, tennis player, carpenter (am I making that up?!), and now owner of many of his own companies. Little known fact…he helped his friend legally license/establish his own religion. He has given me the gift of deep and insightful conversation over the past year that I’ve known him and helped me to realize NOTHING is impossible. Hang out with Fred if you want to level up.

Q: What’s been difficult for you during this pandemic?

The toughest thing about the pandemic is all of it. I am an admitted control freak and am not super patient. This is a brutal combination during Armageddon. I like to be in the game. Instead, I have been told to sit on the bench. No control. I try to be good and sit on the bench, so, to help me get through it, I need to set a goal. How much longer do I have to sit on the bench? The answer: We will let you know. Ahhhhhh!! (Sounds like the Never-ending AMRAP!)

Q: What are you focusing on during this time?

To let go and to breathe. Both are things I should work on anyway. I have been working out most days. I have also been taking care of housekeeping items both domestically and professionally. My house has never been cleaner or in better repair! I have caught up on reading, brushed up my Spanish and Chinese and learned a bit of Russian and the Cyrillic alphabet. Why not?

Gratitude. What I am MOST grateful for is the opportunity to deepen my relationship with my partner/wife and my boys (14 & 12). The family and I have had the opportunity to play loads of games, shoot lots of pool and talk about most everything under the sun. Jen and I have rediscovered the pleasures of drinking wine and waxing philosophical far into the early hours of the morning. This is indeed a remarkable time.  

Q: What are your top reading suggestions during the pandemic?

  1. Love in the Time of Cholera, because, well…… 
  2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, because it is light and funny.
  3. Man’s Search for Meaning, because it is one of THE BEST life/philosophy/psychology books ever written and good to read anytime, but especially in a pandemic.


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Dominick MD
Dominick MD
August 21, 2020 2:45 am


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