Find Your Team in Everyday Life

Find Your Team in Everyday Life
Written by Lalo Torres

I have followed, I have led, I have been coached and I have coached others. For me, being part of a sports team has guided me so much of my life. I always knew on some level that being part of a team and being active within athletics was good for me, but I did not fully appreciate that until it was gone. Perhaps when I stepped into the real world. 

Not too long ago, Invictus coaches spent the weekend on some team-building with somebody who is very highly influential and respected by many, Joe Musselman, founder of The Honor Foundation

Applying the Team Principal to Everyday Life

I’ve had some time to reflect from that weekend, and what I came up with is being a part of something larger than ourselves is common knowledge. We listen to strangers preach about humankind’s deep-rooted tribal instincts. We listen to professionals tell us about the importance of being part of a community in order to reach a certain level of personal fulfillment. 

But honest question, how do we actually apply these concepts to our everyday lives? How do we apply these principles when there is no locker room, no uniform, no rehearsals, no coaching staff, no championship game or audition to aim for? In this growing independent society, I believe there are valuable lessons to be learned from the teams that have helped shape us. 

Finding Your Team After Your Sports Career is Over

The worst thing about participating in sports is that they, eventually, must come to an end. Where does one go when they longer feel part of a team they have given their all to? I suppose true, elite teams adapt in order to survive while others simply fade away. A team holds many truths. Understanding the dynamics of teamwork and your role within that group ultimately helps you better understand yourself. I often contemplate the idea of what makes a successful team, especially lately. I have been part of winning seasons, and I have been part of losing seasons. But that is not where we judge our worth and value of our team, perhaps it is more about the friendships and allegiances. 

Create a Team with Those Around You

I believe where I am headed towards with this whole “team” thing is. Take the time to seek and better understand the ones around you. Get more into those deep conversations, not just what is work-related. I feel fortunate to have surrounded myself with very hard-working individuals who put a PRIORITY on teamwork. 

If the people around you don’t challenge you or make you feel extremely uncomfortable at times, then how are they pushing you forward to propel you into something bigger than what your own conscience can handle. We all want to share common goals and work in unison to accomplish more than any person is capable of accomplishing alone. 

A cohesive group is BUILT, and not made, it takes lots of work, lots of time, and the more we push each other forward the better off we are for it. For me, the more my work environment emulates that of a team, the more I am willing to sacrifice. 

Building Relationships Builds Teams

I don’t think I am worthy of giving others advice but I do think it is important to share our stories, no matter how hard that can be for you. Whether people learn from it, connect with it, love it, or hate it.. there is no end goal outside of sharing.

It is a daily reminder for myself. I am constantly at battle with sharing my personal history, I get choked up and never can find the words to put together when it comes to sharing mine…but this is about the people around me, the people who I surround myself with most of my days, the ones that push me to be the best part of me that I can be. 

It takes common experiences to build trusted relationships. It takes ups and downs. There is no other way. We must all stay patient and keep our eyes open and not be afraid to pursue opportunities when they present themselves. 

Why not be part of as many teams as possible and learn from each and every one of them? There is no formula to success, only opportunities to keep learning. Wherever you are, wherever you might be headed, do not be afraid to find your team. 

Invictus + The Honor Foundation

One team that we have recently formed here at Invictus is between us and The Honor Foundation. We are excited to welcome their Fellows into our group classes and we’ve been stoked to receive team training at their headquarters here in San Diego.

The three-month program at The Honor Foundation encompasses an extensive curriculum to include 120 hours of executive-style education coupled with coaching, mentorship, opportunities to experience various company cultures and industries and other resources to assist in the transition process of the Fellows and their families. THF is committed to providing an executive MBA-like experience, with the Fellows immersed in a program heavily focused on career and leadership assessments, self-discovery, professional development, and executive education.

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May 4, 2023 5:30 am

Teamwork is always more effective. But not everyone knows how to work as a team. For this it is better to take special trainings. During the training I was able to take such a training and I am very happy about it. In general, during the study there were a lot of interesting things. And thanks to WriteMyessayToday it wasn’t so difficult to study. And some tasks I could trust the experts.

Last edited 1 year ago by wilder
Henry Fielding
Henry Fielding
August 13, 2022 8:28 pm

It is easy to forget that we have to work together to make this world a better place. This can be difficult, but there are some things that are universal in our lives. We all need to eat, we all need to exercise, and we all need to find our team in everyday life. Sometimes it can be difficult to find your team, but the important thing is to find it. Here you can also read article to find an essay on the importance of teamwork and how to find the perfect team for your college writing work.

Last edited 2 years ago by Henry Fielding
Yuusei Koyanagi
Yuusei Koyanagi
May 25, 2020 7:08 am

Thank you so much for the articles.

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