Defining Beauty

2013 Team Girls DB Snatch
Defining Beauty
Written by Nichole DeHart

One of our old Invictus shirts had a tag line that read, “Re-Defining Beauty.” Doesn’t that just roll off the tongue so well? Re-defining beauty. This topic of beauty really strikes a chord with me. What does it mean, and who determines what is beautiful?

I am fortunate to be surrounded by powerful, strong and independent women who are still feminine. The biggest pet peeve I have is when a woman walks into the gym and says “Will this make me bulky?” Ugh. No, you are not producing the hormones that a male does so you’re unlikely to get “bulky” unless you start injecting yourself with extra hormones.

But there is more to this question. There is a fear with many women that if they start lifting weights then all femininity will go out the window. How untrue this is! My lifting gals and I have weekly pedicure/manicure nights, schedule in our monthly facials and wear as much glitter as possible. Especially when lifting. If that’s not feminine, I don’t know what is! ☺

Part of the issue is how women have defined beauty. I was a slave to marketing geniuses for a long time. I had clip outs of models in magazines, had them taped in my food journal and did severe calorie restriction to emulate, what I thought, were skinny goddesses. I defined beauty by what the scale said and the smallest size jeans I could fit into. Unfortunately, this led to much unhappiness and feelings of discontentment. My definition of beauty needed to be changed; and our society’s definition of beauty needs to be changed.

Our looks and outward appearance have no bearing on who we are as a person. Our looks have no bearing on defining our own beauty. We need to stop trying to change our physical appearance to fill some sort of happiness within ourselves. Instead, we need to define ourselves by our accomplishments, personal satisfaction and our positive impact on others. Throw away the scale and stop the terrible habit of comparing yourself to others. The comparison game is a vicious cycle that only yields unhappiness, dissatisfaction and negativity.

So, how do we re-define beauty in our society? By setting the example for the next generation. It will take a long time to redefine beauty in a society that is set in its ways, but we are making huge strides. Here are a few things that each one of us can do to lead by example:

  1. Women, be honest about how much you weigh! You are an athlete and you will weigh more then the average GloboGym spin instructor. That is okay! Be pleased with the amount of lean muscle you have on your body and stop trying to fit into someone else’s mold!
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is one of the best ways to self sabotage any progress you would like to make. Every person is unique and brings different talents and qualities to the table. Every time you compare yourself to the girl next to you, you are just undermining yourself. Instead, embrace your body type and relish in your unique attributes and natural beauty.
  3. Get rid of the negative self-talk. Instead, imagine yourself talking to a good friend. You would never tear down your friend and insult them. Why would you do this to yourself? Every time you find yourself having a negative internal monologue, ask yourself “would I treat my friend this way?”
  4. Change your perspective. A global shift in perspective needs to happen for many women. Take a look at the bigger picture. Instead of honing in on every inch of what your body looks like in a bathing suit, take a step back and acknowledge that you are healthy and fortunate enough to be as active as you are. Acknowledge the amazing achievements you make every time you go into the gym, and the incredible people who surround you day in and day out. In short, remember that there are many things more important than how you look in a bathing suit.

By continually applying these principles and supporting each other, we can begin to shift our community’s definition of beauty. Women, don’t underestimate the power you have to change society’s view of beauty. We too often undermine our own efforts every time we go back to negative self-talk, comparing ourselves to others and measuring our self worth by the number on the scale. Fight your tendencies to do these things and start paving the way for a new definition of beauty for our next generation.

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October 20, 2023 8:10 am

Betul lah tu

Jawan Terrell
Jawan Terrell
September 5, 2015 11:09 pm

you look great

Yvonne Williamson
Yvonne Williamson
October 23, 2013 3:45 pm

This is the whole reason I joined my Cross Fit gym. I was told by a male pro bodybuilder that I could compete in Women’s Figure if I lost 20 lbs! Um, no! How about I out run you, out box jump you and out squat clean you all day long??? I love how CF challenges every one of my preconceived notions on health and beauty!!!

July 15, 2013 7:46 am

Thank you Nicole it’s good to hear this every once awhile especially when “the idea of beauty” is advertised everyday

Aike Eliana
Aike Eliana
July 14, 2013 1:11 am

Word!! Very important message! <3

Will Peddie
Will Peddie
July 13, 2013 7:42 pm

This was awesome, great message!

July 13, 2013 2:07 pm

Love it! I’m blessed to spend some time at Invictus, knowing amazing people, like you! Thank you Nichole!

July 13, 2013 2:04 pm

This is a great great post. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom; I will apply these! Numbers 2 and 3 are definitely hardest for me.

Matthew Becker
Matthew Becker
July 13, 2013 12:28 am

Touche` Nicole! I’ve got 5 sisters and 3 of them are accomplished feminine Crossfit girls that I couldn’t be more proud of.

July 12, 2013 5:57 pm

Love the article N! Blessed to train with strong beautiful women.

Chris Exarhos (NW Master)
Chris Exarhos (NW Master)
July 12, 2013 2:37 pm

Great article Nichole. See you in Carson

Kathryn Plummer
Kathryn Plummer
July 12, 2013 12:55 pm

This article is amazing! Every girl needs to read this. Thanks Nichole!

July 12, 2013 12:50 pm

Great post, Nichole! Thank you for sharing it with us!

July 12, 2013 11:54 am

Amazing article! A lot of women in our gym come in with the same concerns, but when I say it they brush it off like I don’t understand so it’s great that I can forward them to read this article written by another female CrossFitter. Our male CrossFitters can take into mind the points you mentioned in this blog. Thank you!

Ali Jones
Ali Jones
July 12, 2013 11:43 am

Love it!!!! Nicole you set an awesome example for us all!!! Thank you!!!

July 12, 2013 11:15 am

Nothing hotter than CrossFit girls.

Miss K
Miss K
July 12, 2013 9:37 am

Brilliant post Nichole; couldn’t agree more! I try increasingly not to get “worried” about the lbs/kgs – unless of course we’re talking about lifting! 🙂

Rachel Banks Doucet
Rachel Banks Doucet
July 12, 2013 9:07 am

True Beauty comes from within and Nichole is all about this – inside and out -:)

Vanessa Christensen
Vanessa Christensen
July 12, 2013 8:01 am

LOVE this post 🙂 keep rockin it, Nichole!

July 12, 2013 8:00 am

Right on, Nichole!! This is perfectly stated. Thank you!

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