How to Start a Kip Swing from a Dead Hang

How to Start a Kip Swing from a Dead Hang
Video by Travis Ewart

Sometimes you don’t have the advantage of the perfect height pull-up bar. You know the one – where you can hang and kip without your toes touching but you don’t have to jump too far to get there. When forced to use a bar that isn’t within easy jumping reach, some resort to shimmying over onto the bar from a box or the j-hook on the upright. But that not only takes time and could be hazardous to the clumsy athlete, but it also puts you in an awkward position for starting your kip since you are unable to use the bar mount like you’re used to. 

Kip Swing Tip

In this video, Invictus Gymnastics Coach, Travis Ewart, shares tips on how to start from a dead hang into any kipping gymnastics movement including the Pull-Up, Bar Muscle-Up (BMU), and Toes-to-Bar (T2B) so you can get right into your reps instead of wasting time and energy getting your swing on rhythm. 

Gymnastics Drills

For more drills and progressions and to get personal feedback from Coach Travis, join our Invictus Gymnastics online program. It doesn’t matter what level your skills are, we have a way to customize your programming to be just right for you. You get tutorials, video analysis, and an amazing online community, all for helping yourself prepare for what is definitely coming! Sure, you’re going to have to work for it, but you do CrossFit (thus you’re a badass), and this is the step you have to take to being even more badass.

Invictus Gymnastics

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