Cindy Kane is Games Bound!

Cindy Kane, top of pyramid, is Games Bound!!

Cindy Kane is Games Bound!
Written by Jean Thorson

I can’t think of a better month than May, to announce Cindy Kane as Sorrento Valley’s Athlete of the Month. I have only known her for four months, but after the first month, it was very easy to see her passion for the sport and unbelievable commitment to doing what it takes to compete with the best. Cindy shows up early everyday to do the necessary warm-up for her body to be prepared for the day’s workout. She has dialed in her nutrition to help with her energy levels and recovery since she needs to be able to workout 5-6 days a week. She takes advantage of our in-house therapist to keep her body moving properly. She has a ‘never give up’ attitude and is the biggest support system to those in the 10:30am Masters Competition Class. When they think they can’t she reminds them that they can!

She has proven what hard work and dedication to goals can do for you. As a Masters athlete, she placed 18th in the WORLD after the CrossFit Open in the Women’s 55-59 division. With this accomplishment, she earned herself a spot to compete in the CrossFit Masters Qualifier and finished 15th overall! I am honored to say, she punched herself a ticket to the Reebok CrossFit Games this August in Madison, Wisconsin!

I enjoyed taking some time with this elite athlete and asked her a few questions:

How long have you been doing CrossFit and what got you to walk through the doors of Invictus?

In 2014, a co-worker who was involved in CrossFit, described it as being the only true test of fitness—and after playing collegiate sports (over 35 years ago!), I knew I wanted to find out more. After visiting several local CrossFit gyms, I still wasn’t sure if CrossFit was the sport for me. At the age of 50, I considered myself somewhat fit, but these women and men looked like Superheroes.

A couple months later, my partner and I attended the CrossFit Regionals in Del Mar. And there it was—the SEA of GREEN!! Not knowing anything about Invictus, (that’s how little I knew about CrossFit) we sat next to them in the bleachers and experienced the overwhelming excitement, and support of the Invictus community. I remember very clearly looking at my partner and saying, “I want to be a part of that.” That following Monday, I became an Invictus Member!

What were you doing prior to CrossFit?

After I graduated from college, I continued to lift weights at traditional gyms, but always had a
desire to compete again.

What is your favorite movement? Least favorite?

My favorite movement is handstand push-ups. My least favorite is double-unders.

If you could write the perfect Masters Qualifier event workout, what would it be?

On 15 minute running clock…
– Take the first 6 minutes to build to a 1RM Bench Press
– Followed by 6 minutes to build to a 1RM Back Squat
– When the clock hits 13 minutes complete: AMRAP in 2 minutes of Handstand Push-Ups

What advice would you give to the new person starting CrossFit?

No CrossFit gym is created equal, choose your box wisely, visit a few before signing up or just go straight to Invictus – amazing coaches and community!

You don’t have to be fit or athletic to start.

Don’t compare yourself to others, stay focused on you, your goals and the reason (why) you started CrossFit.

Consistently show up.

Take yourself lightly and don’t be hard on yourself. One of the great things about CrossFit is there is so much to learn!!! It’s a never ending process.

Have fun, make friends, and enjoy the experience of exercise and health.

What is your favorite quote or what inspires you to show up everyday?

My favorite quote would have to be the tattoo on my left wrist, “NEVER GIVE UP! “

Congratulations Cindy and thank you for inspiring myself and all the other athletes at Invictus Sorrento Valley to Never Give Up!

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Jen Martin
Jen Martin
May 3, 2018 8:16 am

Congratulations Cindy! I’m so proud of you. I still remember the day you signed up. 🙂

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