Introducing the Newest Invictus Staff Member…


Chandler Smith at the 2023 CrossFit Games

Introducing the Newest Invictus Staff Member…
Written by Kelly Sekulovski 

We want to take a moment to introduce you to our newest Invictus staff member at our San Diego location. You may recognize him from his 4 appearances at the CrossFit Games.

We are excited to announce that Chandler Smith has officially joined the staff at CrossFit Invictus! 

In his self described role as a “player-coach” Chandler is assisting Holden Rethwill, Head Coach of Competitive Athletes, with running the day to day training for San Diego based athletes, while also focusing on his own training. “We’re looking to send four teams to the Games this year, so we’ve got a lot of motivated athletes that can sometimes benefit from having another set of eyes to watch them,” said Chandler. “I also get to help develop the Invictus athlete programming and participate with the group every day which is a lot of fun.” 

Chandler is bringing to the team his experience at the elite level, a vast amount of knowledge about fitness and performance, and a willingness to coach and help develop the athletes at Invictus into serious competitors. 

Since visiting Invictus in August 2022 during the Rogue Invitational qualifier, he and his wife Jessi (a fellow 2023 CrossFit Games competitor, Jessi was on Team Invictus Unconquerable) felt compelled to be part of the Invictus family. “The community here is unmatched! Every person at the gym brings something to make the space better. It’s great to be able to connect with all the members and learn about what Invictus has meant to them. The gym goes above and beyond to do things outside of class, which I really believe helps to strengthen bonds inside the gym and helps to create better teams and a great atmosphere.” 

Chandler and Jessi Smith at the 2023 CrossFit Games When Chandler isn’t at the gym coaching or training, you can find him and Jessi enjoying the SoCal weather and playing beach volleyball on Sundays with the rest of the Invictus community. “Both myself and my wife enjoy this time together getting super fit with all of the folks at the gym who are able to attend!”

Welcome to the team, Chandler! 


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February 9, 2024 10:02 am

We’re extremely fortunate to have Chandler on our team!

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