Basic Knife Skills: Chopping an Onion

Basic Knife Skills: Chopping an Onion
Video by TJ O’Brien

“Refine the basics!” You’ve probably heard this once or twice in the gym, and now we’re taking that philosophy to the kitchen. Chopping an onion is like the air squat of kitchen skills. It will be the first thing you are assigned when you start at the bottom rung in any kitchen, and like an air squat, it will reveal compensations you’ve been making in your more advanced movements. The onion is a placeholder for almost any vegetable, the same technique will apply to any round/cylindrical veggies too.

In this case, you should put 90% of your focus on the relationship between your fingers and the blade of the knife. Until that mind-body connection is cemented and grouping your fingers in the way I demonstrate in the video is second nature, you will be at a disadvantage – and hey, you’ll never chop like those guys on TV. However, practice your form and your basics and I promise that one day you will move through the onion before it ever has a chance to make you cry.

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