Anything Is Possible: Tammy “Silly Goose” Wildgoose

Anything Is Possible: Tammy “Silly Goose” Wildgoose at CrossFit Invictus in San Diego

Anything Is Possible: Tammy “Silly Goose” Wildgoose
Interview by Lindsey Johnson

I recently sat down with another one of our Invictus Point Loma team members, Tammy Wildgoose. For those of you who were at Friday Night Lights, you might remember Tammy working her butt off to get those coveted muscle ups in the Open 15.3 workout. She did it with great spirit and an amazing attitude. In fact, she approaches every workout like that. This is the main reason why all of you will be cheering for her like crazy at the California Regional in just a couple weeks! Tammy has worked her butt off to get to this point and I’m super excited to have her representing Team Invictus Point Loma at our super regional this year!

Lindsey: What do you do for a living?

Tammy: I’m actually in grad school for Clinical Psychology. I currently intern at a chronic pain clinic where I teach biofeedback as well as stress and pain management skills, among other things. It’s an amazing program! I also help with research at the UCSD Center for Mindfulness on performance enhancement, and I coach at CrossFit Del Mar (my wonderful old gym) on Fridays.

Lindsey: That’s so cool! I didn’t realize you coached somewhere else! What made you decide to go to school for Clinical Psychology?

Tammy: A few life events got me interested in psychology and the brain. The major one was that I was kind of a crazy teenager and went through quite a few rough patches due to drugs and depression. I had been a competitive gymnast and had given it up, which compounded my problems. Returning to sports helped me to get out of that; bike racing and now CrossFit have kept me relatively sane since. I guess the road to becoming a psychologist has really been one of introspection and trying to understand my own brain and behavior. After undergrad I worked in a drug/alcohol rehab and then at the county psychiatric hospital for a few years. Both experiences strengthened my interest in psychology. I’d love to incorporate sports/fitness into my clinical practice and research to help others overcome mental health issues and manage stress.

Lindsey: How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Tammy: I started CrossFit just over two years ago. I had an overuse injury from cycling that prevented me from racing bikes at the level I had been, and I was getting stir-crazy not having anything to do. My boyfriend got me to try a few CrossFit workouts at home (Seven minutes of burpees, and “Cindy” with a pull-up bar in the door frame) he thought it might help me overcome the injury and get back to bike racing…or maybe I thought that. Anyway, I gave CrossFit a try and fell in love and haven’t looked back.

Lindsey: How did you find Invictus?

Tammy: I think my first real introduction to Invictus was at SoCal Regional last year. I went to watch and it was impossible to miss the Sea of Green in the crowd and the caliber of the athletes competing. That weekend I decided I’d try it out. The next week I called, talked to Jen, and signed up.

Lindsey: I love when people find us because of the “Sea of Green”! Now that you’re here what’s your favorite thing about Invictus?

Tammy: I love the community here! There is a sort of connection I feel with all the members of the gym; everyone is here to get stronger, healthier, and overall better and I love that! The support and encouragement I see between members is really incredible. And the coaches – I love all of them! Invictus Point Loma feels like my home away from home now.

Lindsey: Who’s your favorite person to workout with and why?

Tammy: I love working out with all the comp crew ladies! Cynthia Lam is probably my favorite because she gives me crap all the time! She pushes me every day, especially on my lifting. I see her clean or snatch some big weight and I doubt myself, “Well, if Cynthia did that I should probably go lighter” but then she’ll say “You’re so strong, you can do this,” and next thing you know I’ve done it. Her encouragement and support is empowering.

Lindsey: What makes you most excited about possibly competing at Regionals with Team Invictus Point Loma?

Tammy: Even if I’m not on the actual team, I know my hard work helped to get the team there and that’s a great feeling! I am really proud of how hard everyone worked through the Open and now in Regionals training. It’s so fun to see the relentless determination and dedication of my teammates. As for Regionals, I am incredibly excited for the opportunity to represent CrossFit Invictus and work my ass off to make the “Sea of Green” proud! I can’t wait to stand out there and see and hear the Sea of Green cheering for us!

It’s also an amazing feeling to have a big dream, set a long-term goal, and accomplish it. I switched to Invictus just after Regionals last year with the goal to make it on a team to Regionals and I did it! It makes me feel like anything is possible.

Lindsey: What do you NOT want to see come up at Regionals?

Tammy: There’s nothing that I don’t really want to see. Oh I know, assault bike intervals would be pure evil. One thing I would love to see is bar muscle-ups because they’re my favorite.

Lindsey: What’s been your biggest challenge/fear about this training season so far?

Tammy: I’d say my biggest fear, over the last few weeks, has been not making it on the Point Loma team. My biggest challenge this year has definitely been ring muscle-ups. Man, they were so frustrating for a long time. I’ve definitely had to work really hard for them but I’m making them my friend now and soon they will be a strength.

Lindsey: Tell us something we don’t know about you, a “not-so-secret secret”, now that I’ll be posting it on the internet. Something that people don’t know about you…

Tammy: I don’t really have any secrets but in less than 75 days I will no longer be in my 20’s and that’s just crazy!

Oh, and there are 15 bikes and an Airdyne in my garage. I’m a little obsessed.


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Cynthia Lam
Cynthia Lam
May 15, 2015 9:24 am

You are my #swolemateforlife <3 you!!!

Catherine Blatner
Catherine Blatner
May 14, 2015 2:57 pm

Yay Tammy!!

Lindsey Johnson
Lindsey Johnson
May 14, 2015 10:29 am

So excited to cheer you on next weekend Tammy, and so honored to have you as part of our Invictus family!

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