Ab Wheel Rollouts & the Relationship You MUST Foster

Ab Wheel Rollouts & the Relationship You MUST Foster
Video by Holden Rethwill

The Ab Wheel Rollout is an excellent accessory movement to strengthen the midline – not just the abs, but also the back and other surrounding muscles like the lats. Unfortunately, if done incorrectly, you can either miss out on some or all of its benefits and possibly even put a strain on your lower back in the process.

In this video, Coach Holden Rethwill talks about a very important relationship that you need to foster – the one between your sternum and your belly button. You might not have even known that these two were in a relationship, or maybe yours aren’t quite there yet and are still in the ‘it’s complicated’ phase. No problem! Coach Holden will walk you through how to develop and maintain this relationship throughout the rollout and give you some common faults to watch out for.

No matter where your sternum-belly button status is currently, this awesome cue will get you focusing on what’s important for the movement, help keep you safe, and ensure you get the most out of your Ab Wheel Accessory work.

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