overhead squat

The Overhead Squat

Written by Fritz Nugent What is an overhead squat? The barbell overhead squat is simply a squat performed with a barbell held

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Goal Setting

SMART Goal Setting is Effective Goal Setting

Written by Justin Wright The act of expressing intangible desires and aspirations in the form of concrete, written

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A group fitness class does a stretch in unison.

Mobility vs. Flexibility: What’s The Difference?

Written by Calvin Sun Over the past few years, strength coaches and physical therapists have found themselves on convergent

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Desk Sitter Mobility: A Plan for Your Posture Problem

Written by Connor Nellans Many of you head into the gym after sitting for hours while

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bar muscle-ups, gymnastics

Bar Muscle-Up Swing: Slack is Bad

https://youtu.be/yEYainpSRGM Video by Travis Ewart Do you struggle with keeping in rhythm on Bar Muscle-Ups because you have a

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bar muscle-ups, gymnastics

How to Connect Bar Muscle-Ups

https://youtu.be/b1qJOkOHL0M Video by Travis Ewart The bar muscle-up is many-a-CrossFitter’s favorite movements! If you already have bar muscle-ups but are

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Bar Muscle-Up Tips
bar muscle-ups, gymnastics

Bar Muscle-Up Tips

Video by Travis Ewart Need some bar muscle-tips to try before the Open? In this video, Invictus Gymnastics Coach, Travis Ewart, breaks

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Male Invictus athlete wearing a weight vest instead of a shirt.

The Power of Imagery

Written by Lalo Torres Competing in the sport of gymnastics and coaching my athletes now, the use of imagery (visualization) plays

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group of people holding the top of a pull-up

Pull-Ups 101 Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Pull-Ups 101: Everything You Need to Know Written by Michele Vieux & George Economou It’s a sad thing, but most Americans grow up without ever

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Goal Setting

Winning Daily Goals

Written by Justin Wright Each day of your life starts with a scale. No, not the scale in your bathroom. It has

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male athlete doing handstand push-up

How to Do Handstand Push-Ups: A Quick Guide for Beginners

Don’t Have Strict Handstand Pushups? Here’s the Plan… Written by Nichole DeHart, Brittany Weiss & Michele Vieux Do you have a hard time doing a

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Invictus athlete doing a snatch in the CrossFit Open 18.3 workout.
CrossFit Open, community

Should You Do The CrossFit Open?

Written by Tricia Moore Every year, it’s a question we hear from both our veteran and new athletes, “Should

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female athlete at the top of a rope climb

Master the Basics of Rope Climbs with These 4 Drills

Videos by Travis Ewart Whether you’ve spent many-a-workout on the ropes or are a beginning

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female athlete snatching

Wrist Range of Motion Exercises for Better Positioning & Less Pain

  Wrist Range of Motion Exercises for Better Positioning & Less Pain Written by Kaitlyn Kassis When it comes to mobility, the two major regions

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An Invictus athlete doing a dumbbell snatch in the CrossFit Open 17.1 workout.
CrossFit Open, mindset, philosophy, strategy

Above the Commotion: Preparing Mentally for the CrossFit Open

Written by Invictus Athlete Josh Littauer The beginning of the year is always an exciting and

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