Three kids with better haircuts than most adults chopping veggies from their CSA box.

Macros Won’t Save You

Written by Fritz Nugent If you come to me for nutritional support, you have to earn your right to get macros.

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Skillet bake made with leftover Thanksgiving food.

Leftover Thanksgiving Brunch Bake Recipe

Recipe by Aggie Stern Meal prep is something I do on Sunday and this is one of my go-to recipes

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An athlete doing a ring row.
exercises, philosophy

The Case for Ring Rows

Written by Aush Chatman If you look up progression in the dictionary you will see that progression is the process

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Brandon Lillard standing on a trail to the beach with his short board.
people profiles, success stories

Overcoming Obstacles In and Out of the Gym

Written by C.J. Martin, Video by One Potato Productions Meet Invictus member Brandon Lillard. Brandon is an

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A male athlete at the top of a deadlift in the background with a female athlete pulling a deadlift from the floor.
exercises, philosophy

Pro Tip: Don’t Drop Your Deadlifts

Written by Tiffany Bucher Did you know it was recommended to not drop the bar from the top of

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Invictus member posing with her two young granddaughters.

Fran’s Curry Carrot, Sweet Potato & Ginger Soup

Mo’ Soup for You! Fran’s Curry Carrot, Sweet Potato & Ginger Soup Recipe by Invictus Member Fran Schlaefer Editor’s Note: Fran has brought enthusiasm and

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A father and daughter hiking into the woods.
anatomy and physiology, exercises, programming

Leisurely Steps > Stressful Steps for ALL Body Composition Goals

Leisurely Steps > Stressful Steps for ALL Body Composition Goals Written by Fritz Nugent Calm it down, Sparky. I cannot count how many people I

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Female in a bright striped shirt smiling in front of a lake.
people profiles, success stories

The Power to Become What I Want

Athlete Profile by Libby Landry Debbie joined Invictus in March of 2019. She had been a part of

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Lifter at a weightlifting meet considers her strategy for adding weight to the bar.
strategy, weightlifting

Weightlifting Strategy for Adding Weight

Written by Ricky Mooore On PR days everyone gets excited and wants to make sure they save their energy. A

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bar muscle-ups, gymnastics

Pro Tips: Bar Set-Up for Bar Muscle-Ups

Written by Travis Ewart It is extremely important for the sake of your health and confidence that you

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The Great Kettlebell Swing Debate

Written by C.J. Martin Quite a few folks following our Competition programming have been wondering whether kettlebell swings should be

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muscle contractions

The 3 Types of Muscle Contractions and Their Best Uses

The 3 Categories of Exercise – Isometric, Concentric & Eccentric Written by Tricia Moore From eccentric to concentric to isometric, these are the fundamental building

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Smiling shirtless male athlete riding the Assault Bike.

Eat Your (Movement) Vegetables

Written by Kirsten Ahrendt We all love to do ‘THE THING” (insert your chosen sport or exercise activity of choice) –

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male athlete doing handstand walk

Using Steady State for Gymnastics Progression

Written by Aush Chatman So you want to work on your pull-up, or your handstand, or your dips, that

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Invictus Athlete Camp attendees practice the timing of receiving the bar during a weightlifting drill session.
Olympic Lifting, weightlifting

Weightlifting 101: The Timing of Receiving the Bar

Written by Ricky Moore Timing is critical in Olympic Weightlifting and something most beginner to intermediate lifters

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