Nervous System Training
Written by Kaija Stern, Bryce Smith, TJ O’Brien & Ricky Moore In the gym, we spend a lot of focus on our

Pregnancy Training: Coning & Doming
Pregnancy Training: Coning & Doming Written by Kirsten Ahrendt Recently we had a member who is 32 weeks prego, have coning occurring during our pull-up

Escaping the Injury Funk
Written by TJ O’Brien Doesn’t life just suck sometimes? That’s how I’ve been feeling since that neck injury I sustained in

Olympic Weightlifting and Fat Loss
Written by Fritz Nugent It’s a fact. Training in general doesn’t burn much more fat than not training. Crazy, you

Learning to Lose
Written by TJ O’Brien “Man, last week TJ pretty much made Jiu Jitsu his whole personality, but I haven’t heard him talk

100% Mike – An Athlete’s Voyage for Quality
Written by Michele Vieux As soon as you meet Invictus Athlete, Mike Paesano, it’s obvious that there’s

Modifying for an Athlete with a History of Low Back Issues
Written by TJ O’Brien Do you cringe when deadlifts or kettlebell swings show up
3 Points of Performance for Hinging Movements
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt Here’s a quick review of some of the finer points of hinging. This is

Periodization: Terraces, Elevation and Corn
Written by Fritz Nugent How do these three things come together in a beautiful metaphor for periodization? Well, let

MA’s Competitive Journey
Interview by Nichole Kribs Meet Marianne Flannery (aka MA). She has been an Invictus athlete since 2021 and competes in the 40-44

The Rule of ONE for Coaching Weightlifting
The Rule of ONE for Coaching Weightlifting Written by Fritz Nugent Even seasoned weightlifters can benefit from drills not completed recently. No matter what drill

Pursue Opportunities to Face Fear
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt Even though my training has shifted significantly, I chose to participate in this year’s CrossFit Open

Using Your Fitness at “Other” Gyms
Written by TJ O’Brien I’ve been using my fitness outside the gym quite a lot over the past few

Be a Fitness Sponge
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt If you are an athlete or coach that’s been in the health and fitness game for a

The Clock is Here to Serve You
Written by TJ O’Brien I want to share a story about my wife’s experience at a yoga class,